#i canna be bothered with doin the image again so have it all kinda pixelated tbh im sorry bout dat XDDDD
siimplewolf · 6 years
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So you want to write an OC for the Witcher franchise? Want to write a verse? I have a couple of tips and pointers for you that might be of help!
This post COMPLETELY ignores the Polish TV series since they’re a joke and should not be taken into consideration when working on a Witcher verse/OC.
Credit goes to @snarkomancy and@vanbredevoort for all the help and tips about mages and some about witchers that I had forgotten.
The books and the games are your friends, and so is the wiki. Haven’t you read the books or played the games? (What are you waiting for?????) It doesn’t matter, the wiki articles are a life saver. And if there is something you don’t understand about them, you can always ask your local Witcher buff. Try not to stray too far from the lore, nor make your character interfere with canon things that happened. (I’m talking mostly book-wise, since game wise, the lore can be quite malleable.)
Book!Triss and Yennefer:
Yennefer has the curliest hair to ever curl, is tiny as heck and will do anything/everything to save those she loves.
Triss has chestnut hair and blue eyes, as well as a massive scar on her chest that prevents her from wearing revealing outfits. She’s also selfish and a coward.
While witchers are powerful, they are not almighty. They learn from experience which is why many of them die in the field. They age slowly but no one knows just for how long they can live since no one ever heard of a witcher dying of old age.
             -The oldest witchers, at the time of the year 1275 (the time of Blood and Wine), can be up to 325 years, give or take.
             -The youngest a witcher can be is around 80-90 years old.
Ages can vary, but you will not find a 30-year-old witcher in the year 1275. For several reasons, the different schools (Griffin, Wolf, Cat, etc) stopped creating witchers. Some of those reasons are: Monsters are dwindling, therefore witchers are no longer required. People learn how to live with some of those monsters, the sentient ones that can be reasoned with.
In the particular case of the Cat school, it was disbanded by unhappy yet powerful people. Those witchers had become assassins and sellswords, something that a witcher was never supposed to become.
In the particular case of the Wolf school, a mob attacked the keep way before the events of The Witcher 1 and everyone within that keep died with the exception of a young Vesemir. But since Vesemir was only a fencing instructor, there was no possible way he’d be able to resume with the Trials for he didn’t have the knowledge.
There are NOT female witchers. Female witchers ARE NOT a thing. Speaking of the fantasy world, it could be a sexist thing, or it could be a merely biological thing. Only 3 out of 10 males survived the Trials, and no female survived. The alchemical formulae for the Trials and mutations, had the same base that changed a little with each school, gearing towards what that school wanted from their witchers. But those formulae were never meant for females and the sorcerers involved in those mutations and formulae were never interested in turning females. “But what about Ciri?” You ask me, and I tell you that Ciri never ever went through the mutations. The Wolf Witchers merely fed her mushrooms and infusions that helped her metabolism, but there was no Trial involved. She was merely trained in sword fighting and theory and practice by the witchers. Nothing else. HOWEVER. It IS possible for a female to be trained by witchers, just like Ciri was. If the witcher allows this, they will train a female in the art of sword fighting and share their knowledge on monsters, ancient and not so much. And given that females trained by witchers did not undergo the mutations, they do not have yellow eyes or any other characteristic of a witcher that comes after the Trials.
On that note, after the trials, witchers are, like sorcerers, INFERTILE. And their eyes are ALWAYS amber eyes. Feline amber eyes, because that way they can see in the dark. Witchers ONLY have amber eyes, they cannot have some other colour.
Witchers do most, if not all things for coin. They need the coin to eat, to buy supplies, pay the blacksmith, feed their horses and many more things. The job for a witcher is scarce, a witcher will not work for free or be there to advise you on your life. You hire the witcher and after the job is done the witcher is more than gone from that village/city/town.
Like I said, jobs for witchers are scarce, therefore there can’t be a rich witcher. Witchers can barely live on what they do. They scrape for coins. They are poor and they DO NOT REMEMBER THEIR FAMILIES. They might have a little something that resembles a memory, but that’s about it.
Witchers were abandoned children, or children picked up from the Law of Surprise, ripped from their families. But they do not remember said families or if they ever had one, to begin with.
Witcher elixirs wear off after some time, and they cause impotence soon after it wears off. They need some time for that to be over.
Witchers are able to cast magic, but their signs are basic at best. Mages make fun of them for this.
It is not said, but there is a general guess that a witcher finishes his ‘studies’ and earns his medallion in his late teens, early twenties. Which is when they go out to the Path for the first time. At this time, while they are powerful and have all the knowledge needed to fight a monster, they lack the street smarts. The smarts that they gain with years of being constantly around people other than their instructors or friends. So a young witcher in his early twenties will be clumsy, will probably die due to a stupid mistake. And from then on he’ll only gain scars from mistakes. A witcher starts to actually get a feel for his job around his 50s or 60s.
A witcher will not win a fight against a magician. The only possible way for a witcher to have a fair fight with a magician is if the magician is not well versed in the art of hand to hand combat or sword fighting and chooses not to use magic, or if the magician in question already used magic enough to drain them of their energy. Otherwise, the fight will be won by the magician, no exceptions.
Witchers are very well versed in many monsters, and they will always try everything before fighting. Fighting a creature is the last choice for a witcher, or at least that’s what it’s taught to them.
A witcher is supposedly stripped from all of his feelings with the mutations, this is so that they do not feel pity or regret for those monsters that they kill. “But what about Geralt?” You ask me, and I say that Geralt was a special case, he suffered from Main Character Syndrome, and since he was able to endure the basic mutations very well, magicians put him through even more mutations, giving him the white colour of his hair. Supposedly those mutations failed which is why he got to keep his feelings, or at least most of them. Now here’s where you can play around, to some degree, with what your muse, as a witcher, can or can’t feel. But remember that your witcher will not and cannot be overly sensitive, cannot and will not be over emotional. They don’t feel much. What a regular human feels as mild emotion, is a strong emotion for a witcher.
Boys: Ban Ard in Kaedwen Girls: Aretuza in the island of Thanedd POLITICS. LOTS OF POLITICS.
Magicians are more powerful than witchers, that is for certain, as I stated before. They use elemental energy (never fire, for it is very unstable) and they are the conduit for it. They do not run out of power but they get very tired because shaping and directing that energy the right way is hard and painful.
It is said that women are better for magic than men.
Jewellery is not for aesthetic purposes only, it channels power, therefore they cannot remove it.
There are places of power in the world, and a mage can identify them by feeling a tugging or pulling sensation or merely observing cats, for they are sensitive to that and like to sit on them.
Ban Ard and Aretuza are boarding schools and students ARE NOT allowed to leave until they don’t finish their studies. It is not known for how long they remain within the schools.
Magicians are most certainly ‘ugly’ before they are taken in into the schools, where they are fixed with magic.
Magicians are not powerful when they are young and just left the school they come from. They, like witchers, gain experience over the year. It is said that they start gaining political power around the age of 70.
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