#i cantb elieve hteyre finally ... dating
calliefm · 4 years
a thread between callie & roman bc we were to lazy to do it in the dash ! enJOY this mess
roman: roman had thrown himself onto the couch and he wasn't really planning on even leaving. in just one day he'd gone from feeling on top of the world to feeling like pure shit. he didn't even know why he told callie where he was. he actually didn't really want to see her right now, but at the same time he couldn't help but hope for an explanation. maybe they could, for once, be functioning human beings and talk something out properly? 'it's open' he yelled when he heard someone - most likely callie - knocking on the front door.
callie: her jaw stayed clench, but his last text made her let out a small breath. ' what? ', she scoffed to herself. she quickly texted back, pushing herself off of the couch. is that what he really though she was trying to do?, she thought.  with the small space of time she began to think about the whole situation ( something she should've done way before this blew out of proportion ). once she got the texts it was only a few seconds before she was at his door. her hand went for the handle, but she paused and then placed a few knocks on the door. once she heard his voice, she opened the door, taking a few steps in. ' hey... ', she said in a voice that didn't sound like her own. ' um... do you really think i wanted to fuck whatever we have up ? ', callie added with a nervous laugh, as she made her way towards the couches.
roman: roman didn't move when callie entered or when she spoke. finally after a good few seconds of uncomfortable silence, lifted his face from where he'd buried it in a throw pillow, still not looking at callie. 'yeah i do. that's what happens when you first get mad without telling me why so you're basically just picking a fight for nothing, and then you believe some weird shit my roommate made up about me for some weird reason? this could've all been avoided if you'd just asked me.' he dropped his head again, sighing into the pillow. he really wasn't looking forward to the conversation he was probably gonna have to have with ian later. especially since he was wearing the pink hoodie ian had got him, and roman did not have the energy to move off this couch, much less to change his clothes. 'listen i told you before..' roman started, slightly muffled by the pillow, 'if you're gonna fuck me over just.. don't.' if he hadn't buried his face into all this fabric, callie would've probably heard how unsteady his voice was. 'i can't deal with that again.'
callie: she stood a few spaces in front of roman, hoping it would lift himself up to face her, but after a while she figured that wasn't going to happen. the blonde lowered herself to the floor, sitting on it with her legs crossed in front of her. her fingers immediately raised to her mouth and she began to chew on them as she listened closely to roman. callie knew she was wrong. she's had countless lectures from her parents when she acted without thinking things through, but she wasn't ready to admit it just yet. her eyebrows furrowed down just as she opened her mouth to talk. ' why the fuck would i want to hurt you ? ', she replied. ' jesus, roman... i l- ', she started, but quickly shurt her mouth. ' i wouldn't do that to you. ', callie caught herself. she dropped her hands to her lap, staring down at them for a while before sucking in a breath. ' ok fine, i'm sorry. i should've talked to you first. but, i was scared that it was true... ', she admitted, her voice lowering towards the end.
roman: 'well you did do that.' roman said, still muffled, and when he said it even he himself cringes at how petulant it sounded. in the back of his mind roman knew she wouldn't do that, but there was a bigger part of him that was convinced that she would. he had to admit that he, too, had jumped to conclusions. 'apology accepted.' he finally said, sitting up with some dramatic sighing and groaning, acting like an old man, until he could actually face callie properly. 'i wouldn't do that to you either, like why would i got through all this stupid shit saying i'm not sure if we should make this a thing because of what my ex did and all that, but then giving this - whatever the fuck this is - a try anyways only to do a complete 180 and go sleep with someone else?' roman chewed on the inside of his cheek, a realisation bubbling up after spitting out these words at callie. 'you know maybe that's the issues. we're all like "i don't know what this is" and  "we're just taking it easy". i don't think that's working. for both of us. we need more.. stability.' he'd almost said commitment instead, but he knew callie and he knew the fastest way to escalate this conversation into something even worse.
callie: a small smile appeared on her face when he accepted her apology. it was easy, how fast they forgave each other, which was silly considering how stubborn callie was to actually apologize. her eyes followed him as he got up. it had been a while since she's actually seen him, which is entirely strange to her. her body leaned forward with her elbows resting on her knees. her mouth formed a small o as roman threw out his thoughts. ' i mean... ', callie shrugged. all of the sudden she turned into a little kid who couldn't admit that they had a crush. she attempted to shake it off, but a bit of it stuck. ' define... stability. ', she asked with a small, awkward laugh. callie had no idea why the thought of being tied down made her uncomfortable. all she wanted was to be something with roman. it was the obvious thing to do, but again, she sat in front of him with her face turning red, unable to say what she was in her mind.
roman: roman had expected some squirming, however he had not expected callie to actually turn red and go all quiet. 'stability is already pretty defined.' he tried to joke, but he soft laugh sounded more awkward than lighthearted. 'we just need to be more clear about where we stand. so that we won't have to refer to this as "this". give it a name i guess?' suddenly it dawned on him what they were doing. 'i'm pretty sure we're having a what are we conversation. what the fuck.'
callie: ' right. ', she let out a hefty breath before sucking one back in. she got up from her spot on the floor. she pushed romans legs a bit to the side, and took a seat on the couch. ' i hate that. ', she mumbled as she buried her face into roman's chest. ' ok. what are we ? ', she sighed, resting her chin on his chest before moving so she sat back up straight. ' you first. ', callie added before he could ask her what she thought.
roman: it was almost weird how quickly they went from fighting to being as affectionate as ever. roman instinctively brushed some hair out of callie's face, thinking about the big question they were now accidentally discussing. so much for taking things slow. 'i mean we're not just friends...' he started, wanting to shrivel up into a ball from cringing so bad. why was this conversation so hard? it seemed so simple. 'so more than friends.' he stated, event though that still wasn't giving this thing a name. 'your turn.'
callie: she nuzzled her face into his hand when he brushed a few strands of hair out of her face. ' no we're not. ', she repeated. her focus fell to a piece of strand that was stuck on his shirt. callie began to play with it. ' ok so no friends with benefits or any of that then... scratch that off hte list ', she joked. ' um well i agree... how about... someone that i like a lot... i don't know how to do this. ', she sighed. ' ok ok... how about best friends who like each other a lot and yeah.. '
roman: 'well there are benefits to being your friend. just not of the sexual kind.' roman said, a cheesy smile plastered on his face. his expression quickly turned more serious after callie spoke again. 'but we've always been best friends who like eachother a lot. and, uhm, best friends who kiss sounds like friends with benefits again. although i do like to kiss you. very important detail.' he could keep making cheesy jokes for a long time, but they would have to say it eventually, they'd have to actually go there. 'okay so please don't run out of here and hide from me forever but here's the thing. i'm just gonna say it... relationship.'
callie: in response to roman's cheesy jokes, callie's eyes just widened and looked off to the side before letting out a small forced laugh. ' ok you can stop now... ', she responded by putting her hand over his mouth before he can say anything else cheesy. her hand only remained for a bit before she moved to so it rested on his chest again. her heart stopped when he said his last sentence, but she knew it was coming. she pushed her lips together and nodded. ' i mean... if that's what you realllllly want... then yeah. i could be okay with it. ', she responded, attempting to hid the wide grin that slowly began to appear on her face. ' yeah i could be okay with that. ' her last sentence surprised her.
roman: roman had expected callie to push back a little. relationship sounded a lot like commitment. but even though she was trying to hide it, the smile on her face was pretty obvious. roman mirrored it, taking her hands and intertwining their fingers. 'i want you to want it too though.' he said, even though he knew she wasn't being completely serious. 'i don't just want you to be okay with it, you need to want it too. otherwise it's not fun.'
callie: her nose scrunched up as she caught his eyes. ' yeah, of course i want to. ', she replied, letting him take her hand into his. ' i mean... i wouldn't of... y'know... made a whole ordeal about the whole cleo thing if i didn't. ', she admitted. ' by the way, if you ever want to leave me for cleo, i would whole heartedly understand. i was just being dramatic. i would leave me for cleo too... i mean... she's... cleo. ', callie added in a light joke. ' so now what... can i refer to you as ro still or like do i have to refer to you as my boyfriend. or do you prefer something else ? ', she asked.
roman: 'i would not leave you for cleo ever. you don't mind me rambling and... being me basically. what am i gonna do with cleo? be quiet? have you seen me be quiet for more than a minute ever?' roman laughed. though he'd come to a better understanding with cleo, she'd never even come close to what callie meant to him. 'oh you can only call me your boyfriend now.' roman made a confused face. 'boyfriend sounds weird. roman, ro, whatever. i just.. i don't really want everything to change because we're actually together or something. we're still best friend right? you just also happen to be my girlfriend.' he made the same confused face again, laughing softly. 'my girlfriend, that's weird too. good weird though.
callie: callie simply gave him a shrug back. she knew cleo wasn't a fan of him, which now... it doesnt make any sense why she thought he did. ' you're right. ', she admitted. her face looked amused as he rambled on. ' okay so, ro works. ', she nodded before letting out a laugh. ' you can call me your majesty. or your majie for short. ', callie said with a serious face, continuing to nod her head.
roman: 'your majie, mhh' roman said as if he was trying it out. 'okay i can do that. but you have to call me my lord and-' he burst out laughing before he could finish his sentence. he couldn't believe just minutes ago he'd felt like his life was one big pile of shit. right now he felt nothing but giddy. 'okay okay just kidding. i think if you called me that i would never stop laughing.'
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