#i could not survive without the lightning thief musical soundtrack
geshertzarmeod · 3 years
Ask meme! 16, 83, 109
16) Meaning behind my URL
It’s three words - gesher tzar meod and means “a very narrow bridge” in Hebrew - it’s part of a saying/song from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, who lived in the 1700s-1800s, with the whole thing meaning (with various translations) “All the world is a very narrow bridge, and the most important thing is not to be overwhelmed by fear. 
Although it’s not something I’m using rn bc complicated Judaism feelings, I used to listen to this song/sing it when I was stressed or anxious or upset. I really love that it first acknowledges the scary thing, that the danger is real and present, and then instructs a lack of fear, or suggest not to shut down because of fear. It’s not the “everything’s going to be alright,” it’s “yes, it’s scary, and we’ve still got to keep going, and we have to hold the fear, or hold the fear down, and keep walking.”
83) Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
Uhhhh I’m not even sure I’ve ever snuck out lmao. I don’t do anything 😂. But this year I stole my brother’s identity without asking him in order to continue using Spotify Premium, bc he used google music, but then they CANCELLED google music and he wanted Spotify and it got fucking messy and honestly hasn’t even really been resolved, I just got hacked for a month and then it just kind of fizzled as an issue. And like. I’m clearly in the wrong but I also still don’t feel bad because I thought he was going to keep using Google Music! But this was not only a big dramatic thing between us but my parents knew too and even though they barely understood what it meant they were arguing with me about it/not happy with me about it which like, yeah, fair. anyway pls don’t tell spotify thanks
109) Would you rather live without TV or music?
This is so hard... I honestly watch TV much more than I listen to music. But also TV without music wouldn’t even be that good??? So... music. And I’ll just read a lot of books, and at least have movie musicals to survive off of (AHHHH yeah I absolutely cannot give up musicals)
But also if I’m cheating I could say I barely ever actually watch TV, like, I don’t have cable... I’m watching stuff on my computer on streaming platforms...... what if that doesn’t count...
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