#i didn't set out to make a season 1 mcdanno argument on the basis of awkward scene transitions but. i think you could if you wanted
five-wow · 1 year
who (according to canon) has the keys to the camaro and, indeed, the camaro itself, is a very interesting question to me at any given time. we know that theoretically it's danny's car, but also that steve keeps driving it, so if they carpool to work, does steve drop by danny's place and lay claim to the keys before danny can get at them? or does danny drive to steve's place and surrender his driver's seat to steve's dictatorial inclinations? this is a post brought to you by roughly three seconds of season 1 episode 12, in which danny (at home) gets a call, says into the phone "okay, i'm here, pick me up on the way" and then, confusingly, we get a short overhead shot of the camaro on the road before we cut to steve and danny walking into iolani palace... which implies steve may have been out on the town (or at the mcgarrett home), with camaro but sans danny, and had to pick danny up from danny's home in danny's own car.
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