#i didnt even know this wss a thing but babies are so pure and innocent it makes me die ksksks
nostalgiabones · 5 years
Okay I read this fact that when babies start emoting, they have to look away when they smile at you because they can’t handle the feeling of joy and need to calm their heart rate down 🥺🥺 imagine Luke experiencing this with all his lil babies- he wouldn’t be able to cope with how cute it was 💜
This is LITERALLY the cutest thing I have ever read like 🥺 I’m dying!
But imagine Luke’s just having afternoon cuddles with Grayson, who has just woke up from a nap so he’s in such a good mood, and he’s happy to have Luke’s attention. And he’s at the age where he’s just started smiling and Luke can’t get enough of it, so he’s like kissing his cheeks and pretending to chew on them and making a funny noise and the giggles he’s getting from Grayson are just too much for his heart🥺 then Grayson would just start beaming up at him and end up rolling himself forward and hiding his face in Luke’s neck, because he was so happy. Luke would be all like “where did my bubba go?” and then he’d pick him up and hold him in front of his face, repeating the process and making him giggle all over again. He’d love it so much, and it’s something he’d definitely notice and do with all of his babies 🥺
Come and talk to me about dad!sos♥️
Link to my Hemmings Family of Eight AU which is where the names in this blurb came from!
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