#i do think trains usually operate on a 20 min frequency. on the opposite end subways have a 4 min frequency πŸ™Œ
startrekgaysex Β· 11 months
thank you for your tags on my bus post i have come here to rant bc like. i live in A Big US City and the fact that i have public transport that isnt once every two hours and horrifically unusable is insane to me. however. it definitely is ASS here and the app doesnt seem to actually TRACK the bus, just says well it SHOULD be there and then i gotta wait 12 minutes for the next one (which isn’t actually so bad ive had a train not show up and had to wait 20 minutes for the next one πŸ™„) ANYWAY yes it sucks and is so infuriating but i simply refuse to drive anywhere i might have to pay for parking so. anyway i already planned to be there early so now worst case im just on time.
MANIFESTING 727473 BUSES FOR UUU I literally never use the transport tracking app here in Bs As like I fully know it exists but I just know that bus is going to spam in like 5-10 mins and I sooo take it for granted. I don't think I ever had to wait more than 10 mins for a bus on a normal day with no protests causing jams or transport strikes.
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