#i got carried away but pelsjjd i love this movie
delcakoo · 1 year
THANK YOU AND IM PROUD OF YOU TOO <333 also good luck for tmrw 🫶🫶🫶.
THEAMD THE SPIDER-MAN MOVIE IS SOOOOO GOOD!!! I love it sm. I’m buzzing thinking about itttt. Tell me your thoughts when you’ve finished it!
— 🧸
OHMYGODOHDHD yES IT WAS amazinf ir was even more beAUTIFUL THAN THE FIRST ONE SOMEHOW I WAS. awestRUCK AT THE ANIMATION AND THE COLORS AND JUST EVERYTHING ☹️ the plot twists were perfect and my fav part is just MILES and his parents I LOVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP SO MUCH i literlaly shed a few tears when his mom gave that speech n’ was like. ‘take care of that little boy for me’ NOOO STOP THISMSHDJD
it was just so good and well done i could talk abt it forever <\3 BUT THE CLIFFHANGER MAN. we’re gonna have to wait another 4-6 years to find out what happens kms 🧌 BUT ANYWAY WHAT DID U THINK OF IT WAHHH TELL ME EVERYTHINGsjhd
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