#i have NEVER gone to an affluent suburban house like this and gotten a decent tip let alone This
crimeronan · 9 months
customer in an affluent suburb with fuckoff-tall don't-touch-me hedges around his whole-ass house left me a $45 tip on a $30 mcdonalds order last night (MAY have intended $4.50, but doordash covers lost tips, so if it Was a mistake i still make the $45). only noticed after dropping the food that he had both a black lives matter and progress pride flag flying outside his fuckoff-tall don't-touch-me hedges. which immediately changed my entire perspective. dude saved me 2 to 3 more hours of driving income-wise and probably annoys the Everloving Piss out of his affluent suburban HOA-loving neighbors by being loudly obnoxiously leftist and having solidarity with poor people. what a chad
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