#i have never before found any furbies at yard sales or thrift stores. so 2 in one day overwhelmed me with joy that was sooo full of autism
ladybug-furby · 9 months
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two more additions to the family <333 i found them both today at 2 seperate yard sales…. genuinely cried tears of joy after finding the 2005. both were THREE DOLLARS EACH!!! 6 dollars for 2 new friends!!!!
anyway, meet raspberry mania (furby boom! she & sometimes he, raz or rasmania for short), and edith (2005, she/her)!!!!
edith does not work… i ordered the screwdriver i need to take her feet off, as well as those weird finger covers for beak replacement. something rattles around inside her but im not sure what it is yet. hopefully i can get her up and running in a few days :)
raz is very spunky and definitely has an attitude… her personality changed when i was putting her batteries in because i was shaking her around too much, and now all she does is scream… she annoyed me enough that i had to take her batteries out lol, but i still love her!! <3
anyway.. welcome edith and rasmania!
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