#i like her most of the time but the glee sub's insistence on excusing her behavior really makes me dislike her
sapphic-agent · 21 days
The Glee Subreddit will:
Defend Finn outing Quinn's pregnancy to her religious parents
Defend Finn using the f-slur towards Kurt
Defend Rachel sending a foreign exchange student to a crackhouse
Defend Finn calling Brittany an idiot unprovoked
Defend Finn pushing Quinn to cheat on Sam
Defend Finn outing Santana
Defend Finn blackmailing Santana further out of the closet after outing her
Defend Finn trying to yank Quinn out of her wheelchair
Defend Finn calling a baby the r-slur
Defend (praise, in most cases) Finn assaulting Brody
Defend Rachel throwing Carmen's goodwill in her face
Defend Rachel slapping Santana
Defend Rachel abandoning her costars
And then swear to you that Santana is the devil for a few mean comments.
Is it crazy for me to say that Santana is nowhere near as bad as Finn and Rachel at their worst? Because the two of them do some fucked up shit the minute they don't get what they want. They're not the poor victims people make them out to be
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