#i like playing w the idea of 2ps being opposites of the 1ps sometimes and since i see 1p al and mattie as siblings i think that 2p alan
yes-feratu · 3 years
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maple said to post it, so here. fuck it.
so ive loved alan since i was like. 12 lol but my only ship for him was really only ever vb, but last yr maple and i made an au that has past! alan x matt and...now...i cant stop thinking about them....
so heres a little backstory for them ig?
- Alan's full name is Alan Jimenez, and hes Mexican American
- Hes like 5'5" (short king)
- Matt's full name is Mathieu Williams, and hes French Canadian
- Hes like 6'3" (tall king)
- In this au we made, Alan lost his mom and his dad was a real machismo (mexican brand™️ toxic masculinity) piece of shit, and Matt lost his dad and his mom wasnt mean but she was just....neglectful and overworked to try and support her and Matt, and bc of that they both ended up becoming naughty hooligan children and thats how they met
- Alan fell in love with Matt really early on in their friendship but hes always been really good at pushing his true feelings down
- They fuck regularly as a fwb situation and Alans okay w it because well. Matt fucks a lot but Alan is the only person that Matt goes back to and as long as hes that person in Matts life then hes fine and hes secure
- Alans actually only ever fucked Matt in his life but he acts like hes a super slut bc he doesnt wanna seem clingy and like their fwb situation means more to him than it should
- Alfred and Alan are frat bro homies basically and they met cause Alfred got a part time job working at the mechanic shop that Alan works at
- Then...one day Alfred's brother Matthew transfers to the uni that hr and Matt go to and Alfred's like hey! I actually know this guy that I can set u up w bro! And he sets up a date bw Matthew and Matt
- Alan's shit is rocked and he is extremely jealous because Matthew made Matt smile the first day they met and it literally took Alan 3 yrs in their friendship to get Matt to smile at him and HES GRRR HE HATES HATES HATES KILL KILL MATTHEW
- Basically he can tell that Matt really likes him and he starts getting really obnoxious trying to get Matt to pay attention to him and spend all his time saving his ass after he picked wreckless fights and not be with Matthew, but eventually Matt starta seeing that Alans being even morr obnoxious and twerpish more than usual and he tells him to cut his shit out
- Alan gets really hurt and hes kinda alienated himself from everyone in his jealousy and no one wants to hang w him cause hes being even more unpleasant to be around than he normally is, but when Matt tells him to cut his shit out hes finally like. Well I see I'm not wanted here, fuck it I'm just gonna run away
- Alans always felt like disaplearing one day and he always used to tell Matt about it but Matt always blew it off as stupid shit hed say when they were high
- Then one day Matt gets a call from Alfred and hes super frantic cause Alan told him he was skipping town and as soon as Alfred says that Alans gone Matt just hangs up cause HE KNOWS ALAN WOULD BE THE IDIOT DIP SHIT TO JUST FUCKING LEAVE
- He goes to the apartment they shared and he sees basically everythings intact except a few clothes of Alans are gone and hes obviously not there and he starts freaking out and looking around the city for him
- Matts panicking looking for him till the last bus has left and hes lost all hope of finding him but he tries going to one more skate park in the city just to see if maaaaybe hes there, ajd in the distance he can see a silhouette sitting near the wall and his heart leaps out of his chest
- He goes towards the figure and its Alan sitting looking at the floor and messing with his board and he looks sad and upset. he hears footstels coming towards him and he can see its matts workboots and hes starts talking mad shit like pfft what arr you doing here shouldnt you be worshipping your fuckimg boyfriend? and hes trying to cover it up but its obvious hes sniffling
- finally matt stands in front of him and alan looks up and matt looks LIVID. hes PISSED. he looks like someones abt to die. hes so upset his hands are shaking. and alan gulps cause hes guilty as shit as matt pulls him up and hes preparing to get punched in the face or something but then...he looks matt in the eyes when hes finally pulled to stand up and matts eyes are watering, and matt realizes how terrified hes been feeling and this whole time hes been thinking abt how much he needs alan and he realizes how much he loves him fkr him to be reacting this way
- then matt kisses the life out of him and then pulls away to whisper "dont go." into his ear
- then they go back to the apartment and they have fuckies
- the next day alan shows up to alfreds place and hes like. we worked it out. and hes covered in hickies
- he specifically wears a low cut v neck around matthew the next day so matthew can see with his stupid eyes that HE WON YOU LOSE IDIOT
anyways sorry if this was long i have brainworms 💗
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