#i love all the pieces!!!! i have aboslutely no idea why they cannot congeal for me into a game i by all means should love
planet4546b · 4 months
control remains the most baffling piece of media i have ever encountered for the sheer fact that every single aspect of that game on its own is one of my all time favorite tropes, and i absolutely adore all of the aspects of it as individual aspects (jesse as a character, jesse and dylan, the oldest house as a place, the fbcs fascination with specifically controlling and cataloguing things, the graphics, the concept of the hiss, polaris, the level design + visuals, the ways it's interested in pushing how to interact with it as a game that it looks like aw2 continues, the way that its collectible lore entries are written/stuff like the live action videos, etc etc! the list goes on!) but i CANNOT find myself interested in the game as a whole and i cannot fucking figure out why for the life of me
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