#i mean i choose to believe that wilson doesn’t die xx
leyezzeyee · 8 months
god house offering to euthanise thirteen was a crazy scene. inadvertently telling her that she isn’t alone. there is always one person who will be there for her. their father/daughter dynamic is insane. this is why i don’t think house kills himself as soon as wilson dies. i think he keeps tabs on thirteen and does go through with it. after that? who’s to say. maybe he becomes like that janitor who inspired him to be a doctor in the first place - he has no official power, but aside from that, he’s in charge, because he’s right, because he knows the answer. i’m very conflicted about what happens after the end of the show. and that’s what’s so interesting and 3-dimensional about these characters - you don’t know exactly what they’re going to do.
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