#i mean theyre both basically OCs at this point but jic people want that tag for filter ig
silverskye13 · 1 year
I’m going through a mental crisis of trying to get my brain to STOP SHIPPING tanguish and hels. I hate life… I’d still live to read your fanfic tho :)
the ask part now… what’s the difference between Tanguish’s and Tango’s personality? Just curious since they act pretty similar in my mind. :)
(I love you can I marry you 💍, from your friend Duck… don’t listen to my username I made it like 6 years ago).
Tango and Tanguish are pretty similar! I thought it would be neat for them to be. I was told a long time ago you tend to hate the most in others the things you hate about yourself [which has led to,,, a lot of paranoia over the years come to think of it] but it seemed like a cool way to build a codependent helsmet.
More under the read more since it gets a little long.
If I had to pin down differences though, I would say Tango has a more dominant personality, whereas Tanguish spends a lot of time trying not to take up much space. Tanguish makes himself small, says appeasing things, and prioritizes getting other people talking as opposed to talking himself. He wants to go unnoticed, be a background character. Tango wants to be a main character. He's bigger, isn't afraid of taking up space, and likes being loud and exuberant.
Tango thinks his eccentricities make him more interesting, Tanguish thinks his eccentricities need to be hidden.
Their differences are more in line with how they want people to see them, as opposed to actual differences. I would also say Tanguish is a more proactive character than Tango. Tango lets things happen to him [and gets disappointed by negative outcomes in a "this was inevitable" kind of way] while Tanguish is learning through the plot to make things happen. He is still disappointed by negative outcomes, but he has a more personal stake in that disappointment.
On the shipping thing:
If it's any consolation you are not the only person who thinks they're shippable! Buried somewhere on the tags of one of my Tumblr snippets [or in my ask box somewhere maybe?] someone said Hels and Tanguish should kiss, and sometimes that comment haunts the back of my head while I'm writing, quietly reminding me it exists and the ship would probably be adorable once Hels stopped being toxic.
By all means ship them if you want! This whole hels AU thing started as just me having fun I'm not going to stop other people from having fun as well lol you'll just have to forgive me if I don't ship them myself. Platonic love, non-romantic love, is so, so dear to me <3 people don't write it enough.
(Also so sorry I cannot marry you. You must complete one quest of Grail-like significance and contest in at least 7 jousts with my token as your banner before you may ask for my hand. Your family crest is a duck now. Enjoy!)
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