#i miss trollhunters that shit was the bomb
cryptid-moose · 6 months
I was scrolling through my medibang gallery and I found some Jim/Toby art from June of this year that i feel like i should've posted cause Joby is MASSIVELY underrated ✊
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technogeekmituna · 3 years
Man, that ending really just ruined my emotional state, and I've been in this weird mood of "That didn't happen, right?" to "DreamWorks really can't handle series ending movies, huh" to "Jim wouldn't give up the amulet like that without a plan" to "I'm bitterly happy it concluded, but I'm so frustrated that I have a headache because that ending leads to a complete loss of everything they learned and accomplished"
I dont understand the writing. I saw Guillermo credited as a writer, and I'm wondering if the directors are to blame then. Cause while the plot was pretty cohesive, it felt like some stuff was rushed or kinda like brushed over so everything could keep pace together. Like, after the first act of the movie everything started to feel a little disjointed, and then, like, I feel, like, the time traveling element is a bit... nonsensical. We already established what would happen if Jim decided not to take the amulet. Draag took his place and the Eternal Night happened and the world essentially ended, because Jim needed to become the Trollhunter.
Like, I can't understand the logic why Jim would let go of everything he said was meant for him and lead to him, it was all purposeful because he was meant to be the Trollhunter. He died for that realization, literally and figuratively (in the mental state to become more.)
You can't-- The writers can't just expect that ending to make any sense when Jim is the only person to remember anything but he reset everything to EPISODE ONE.
And also, why and how did everyone just assume Jim meant he would go back to prevent everything by going back to the beginning instead of, like, a couple days prior or a year prior or something
What does him going back to the beginning, giving Toby the responsibilities of the amulet-- Actually, hold on, what does Toby have now that he didn't at the beginning of the series now that time got retconned after a hard fought good ending that got restarted? Everything got a fresh start soo.... whatever Toby acquired or learned or accomplished in his character arc the first time around doesn't exist. Not to mention what does the amulet see in Toby now?!
The amulet wouldn't choose Toby just because Jim told him to take the canal. Jim doesn't have that authority. The amulet would have found a way back to Jim or something. Nothing against Toby, but, like, I don't think he would have the fortitude or capabilities to endure what was required of Jim to become the Trollhunter.
Nothing would play out the same. Everything is different standing at the divergence of Toby hearing the amulet. It's automatically a doomed timeline, lmao. I'm sorry, but??
I hate what happened with Nomura. That was really uncool how they took her out. Like, I get how they wrote her death and I guess that reads fine, but it was not executed well. It was too quick, too sudden, unworthy. Just poor.
I don't think Strickler needed to sacrifice himself because it was for nothing anyway. I mean to be fucking fair, what did they think highly explosive human made bombs were going to do against an ancient wizard wielding a giant titan of ice?? It was to be expected that it wouldn't work. Yes, yes, they were doing all that they could, but after all they'd encountered with magic and shit you would think they'd be a little smarter about their choices. It was just unnecessary. And while I did cry, especially because I felt bad for Jim and his mom, I have to ask what the fuck was that with his dad? Why did Barbara bring that up for it to go nowhere? No insight, no plot push forward, no revelations, just the same we've been told before and a "We don't give up no matter what" line.
I loved the fight with the two titans. It was good and well executed and hard-hitting. Nira died and her death was for a reason, a purpose.
Toby's death was impactful and sad, and he did stay by Jim to the end. It was for a purpose and it written well to work.
But Trollhunters have never had a good relationship with handling character deaths, imo. They're too fast to move on or the pacing sucks or it's like out of nowhere and done and now we stew with that death. Like, they hit emotionally, but more so because we loved those characters, not really because they died
I absolutely hate retconning deaths. It's a psych out. It ruins the mood. It makes it pointless. It pads out time. It's exhausting unless handled right and with a purpose.
The ROTT ending was baaaad. To be clear, Jim starting completely over was questionable and confusing and skeptical, but what made it baaaad was him giving Toby the amulet. I need context. I need an explanation. Why? What's the difference now? What will change? Will anything change? What's the new outcome??
Like, if they had used the last couple of minutes to breeze by everything again to catch us back up to the retconned ending to show what would happen with Toby being the new Trollhunter, then I might not be as sour and salty and bitter and other nasty flavors of mood.
But you can't tell me everything will play exactly as it did before. Absolutely not. Character arcs lost. Character development undone. Character relationships will be different. Big, impactful choices will differ or not exist at all or have vastly different outcomes. Nothing will be the same, and nothing will be better for this.
I just. Don't. Understand. I know some things were cut, but I don't see how those things would make the writing for the ending better unless things cut were explicitly on the ending and we're missing severe context for Jim's decision.
Sigh. Whatever. I'm gonna fucking pout and try to be 76% content with what we got.
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Holy fuck I forgot how awesome Trollhunters was! I just started watching Wizards and I am loving it!
I’m on episode 6 and here are my impressions(spoilers up to episode 6. *please* don’t spoil anything past that for me)
Steve is a bisexual dumbass and I Love Him! His type is anyone who won’t take his shit(Aja, Eli, Claire, Lancelot, you seeing a pattern?). Steve is canonically bi! His crush on Eli is still heavily implied(dude thinks he’s dying and calls for Pepperjack. That’s pretty gay, my guy) and he’s definitely still into his ninja angel girlfriend(Aja deserves the universe. I love her) and he assumes Douxie is a model and his first reaction to Lancelot is “Wow. That guy is handsome.”? You can’t tell me that’s just Steve being vain because Lancelot looks like him. That’s a bisexual disaster if I’ve ever seen one. (Can you tell I love Steve? Because I love Steve. And I love that he somehow becomes a main character in every part of the trilogy. He’s literally the only character with a major part in all three parts and he deserves it. He has experienced major growth and deserves to be the hero. He has crippling insecurities and he deserves to be a main character.)
There is a tragic lack of Eli.
Claire is my goddamn hero. I love her so much! She could stab me and I would thank her.
Jim! Just Jim! He’s The Hero and he’s amazing!
Archie is a nasty little menace and I love him for it!
Douxie? I was prepared to hate the guy. His appearances before were weird and he seemed off in a bad way, but I love this badass wizard!
Morgana is still super hot
Merlin is still a fucking bastard and he might do things that are okay sometimes but I still hate him. His hobbies include: destroying children’s self-esteem and being a bitch.
There is (so far) a tragic lack of Toby
Troll husbands backstory!! I have no idea if that’s actually Blinky and AARRRGH’s ship name but I adore them and 3Below had a tragic lack of them.
DRAAL MY DARLING IS ALIVE! I MISS HIM SO MUCH! I wish Jim would have had more of a reaction to seeing him.
I really wish Jim would have given Cal Blinky’s “Destiny is a gift” speech because 1) that’s a bomb ass speech and 2) it would have really brought things full circle with the final part.
I am so excited to see the last few episodes!!!
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