#i never used to like allergy content but now um. um i'm kind of. trash for it sign me the hell up
403secret · 7 years
Do you know what's great? Seasonal allergies.
There's something so irreplaceable about the persistence of allergies. Some people are just predisposed to them. They're inevitable, even if a person has years of experience, or months of prior notice... even then, allergies are something they can't completely avoid.
They’re a reminder after everyone else is getting over their winter colds that someone isn't in the clear yet – they'll still be sniffling and sneezing even after cold and flu season is very clearly over.
It's almost ironic how, while getting caught in the rain to lead to awful colds, long periods of no rain and pollen buildup can have the exact same effect on an allergy sufferer.
Imagine your fave, on the nicest day of the year, unable to keep from sniffling and sneezing while everyone else enjoys themselves. Imagine your fave, miserable and stuffed up due to a high pollen count on the one day they forgot to check. Or arriving in a different city with an important goal in mind–only to be inconvenienced by the fact that, wow, the plants there are really getting to them. It's funny how a single factor in nature can suddenly play them so easily.
And while colds can be a decent excuse to give them a break from a job? Seasonal allergies aren't. They have to work through most of their daily tasks, even if their nose is itching like hell.
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