#i promise i'm a game dev even if i rarely have anything to show for it
slimegirlwarlock · 1 year
fuck. i hate but also love that noita both punishes and rewards greediness heavily. the choice presented by the mere presence of finding the teleporter being "play it saife and go forward with the wands/money you currently have (which might not be enough for the wand(s)/spell(s) you want from the holy mountain) or deciding that you have enough hp left to risk everything by continuing to explore further and hoping that you can either make it back to that teleporter or find a different one after you've picked up more resources but before you die, and oftentimes during runs i'll find myself just camping out by the teleporter for minutes weighing the pros and cons of progressing now vs trying to find upgrades that outweigh the cost of further exploration. i feel like there's a lot here for me to unpack and internalize in terms of game balance, even (especially, even) if i decide that the way i'd want to balance my own games turns out to be significantly different from what nolla decided on
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