#i read your dossier like 10 times bc
liverobinreaction · 10 months
Chum Liveblog - Chapter 1
So i already read this chapter but will read it again bc it fucks. Go read Chum by @reachartwork if you like baby superheroes with weird powers. Mute the tag #chum liveblog if you arent interested! I might also move this to my main @bugbeee if people prefer that
1) the writing style draws me in immediately since the way the narrator (Sam) thinks and talks is so very reminiscent of my own adhd riddled brain. The way she notices one thing before immediately moving to the next detail is just. Chefs kiss
2) the tapa tapa tapa does something to my hindbrain. Like literary asmr.
3) god Sam's awkwardness and hesitance about her accident combined with her bluntness is so fucking good
6) “I didn’t get any gills though, which would’ve been cool. I can’t breathe underwater. But I think I can swallow salt water, but that’s kind of a sh- kind of a poopy superpower so you don’t need to write that one down. Don’t write that one down, please?” I would die for you Sam
7) god the author is so good at writing the livewire nervousness that accompanies the MC. Like the little details of bouncing knees and flexing hands that she grabs to stop, the tapping and moving- i love you so much for this
8) her mom taught her the word austere :)
9) ohhh she's got those bruce the shark powers (sniffing blood)
10) god her asking if the officer needs her friends contact numbers like the fbi shes just a KID
11) ohoho JLUMA??? desperate to know the acronym meaning for that. Its something shes applied for and its a license so hmmm [thinky face]
12) the way she gets annoyed over her parents gushing over her its so teenager i love her. Also she did so good at her bat mitzvah :)
13) "Once I get my license, does that mean I can go out and start biting people? Not that I plan to do that, I’m just wondering.” Yeah does she know i would die for her???
14) sam says acab fuck yeah
15) Officer Gold shrugs his shoulders and opens the front door, clearly also trying to escape the situation like I am. “Well, who knows. A supe just got elected to City Council. Maybe you’ll be the first superhuman senator if you stay in school and focus on your studies?” Oh that is a fucking gorgeous piece of foreshadowing/world building. Frothing at the mouth rn
16) THE CATEGORIES time to toss the worm categories out of my brain
17) breakdown of her powers a la government dossier! God its fascinating to see how its classified and seen in this world
18) AND WE HAVE AN ACRONYM MEANING 'Juvenile License to Utilize Metahuman Abilities' holy shit theres so much unsaid in that. When did it come about, how, whats its scope (which was briefly touched upon) etc. i cannot WAIT
19) bad dream/flashback? Its written so well and sams commentary of it feels real. "The situation is fucked beyond repair. I think I’m allowed to say that now."
20) oh my fucking god. "I hope I don’t die right now, because thinking about my parents being sad at my funeral makes me sad, but also, I hope I do die, because if I have to live one more second with this kind of pain I’m going to kill myself, myself." Author. Author. Who gave you the RIGHT to hit me like that
21) her realisation about why shes in so much pain, seeing her grandpa screaming through the water, the fishing metaphors- aughhhhhhhh
22) god i love the continued mention of words her mom has taught her its just. So fucking real of her
Conclusion: holy fucking shit what an absolute BANGER of a first chapter. I am hooked. I am printing this out and eating it. Thank you author for writing this, I will read more tomorrow
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evltide · 3 years
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  ❝    and   𝑤𝘩𝑎𝑡  𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦  d’ye  think  y’er  doin’?    ❞      accent  thick,  words  drawn  out on his tonge,  a  penchant  of  𝖊𝖝𝖈𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖙  fills  the  tone  of  his  voice  as  the  top  of  his  blade  digs  a  little  deeper  in-between  her  shoulder  blades.    don’t  think  he  hasn’t  caught  @marisouls​  snooping  around  the  𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐏  𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐏𝐏𝐄,  always  in  search  of  something!  was  it  another  bottle  of  tequila    [  𝙾𝙷,  𝙷𝙴  𝚆𝙾𝚄𝙻𝙳𝙽'𝚃  𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙳  𝚃𝙷𝙰𝚃,  𝚁𝙴𝙰𝙻𝙻𝚈  ]     or  perhaps  something  far  more  valuable?               ❝    hmm?      [  . . .  ]    hand  it  over    ❞
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replaykoo · 4 years
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📁 ᨳ how I study in college :
⠀˒⠀ methods and tipps that might be helpful
# contents
taking notes
organizing your note
reading texts
how to structure a study session
useful apps
𖥻 taking notes
I guess the most important thing when studying is how to take your notes. I know there are quite many note taking methods and I’ve tried a few of them (like the one where you section your paper in two collums etc) but usually they just didn’t rly work for me and made things more complicated.
So the question you have to ask yourself is why you even take notes ! Usually that’s for write down key elements from a textbook, lecture etc to remember them later. And for that your notes should be simple, structured and easy to read/understand. A big chunk of words won’t rly help you (imo)
So here’s how I do it. I take ���smart notes“. (learned that method from a yt video by mariana‘s study corner). You basically translate bigger ideas/concepts into single sentences. (Or multiple grammatically easy ones). The key is just to make them as simple as possible so you can quickly read over them and understand what the concept explains.
so I keep my sentences simple
one sentence per line / bullet point
I do use → , =, + or similar symbols to add mini sentences and show connections
𖥻 organizing your notes
I’d say if you can, it’s best to take your notes digitally. It’s easy to move things around and re-organize, keep things in sections/categories and you can ofc edit it afterwards if you need to. My fav programm is OneNote bcs you can make great folders, sections, books, sub-pages etc. But notion is also a great alternative (both are free)
I personally have my notes sorted like this :
- major
- minor
course 1
course 2
course 3
lesson week 1
lesson week 2
→ lecture (notes)
→ lecture powerpoint/ dossier
→ literature + notes
→ questions I have or additional info the teacher gave during the q&a session
I’m sure there are many other great organizing systems but this one works quite good for me so far.
𖥻 reading texts
When reading from textbook or just texts that have structured paragraphs I always read the paragraph FIRST and highlight the key word(s) later. This is rly useful if yours someone who tends to just highlight the whole page. It forces you to think about what the key word/concept was. (With paragraphs I mean about 10-ish sentences. Doing any more is kinda a waste of time bcs you’ll have to go back all the time. So keep the chunks small)
While reading & highlighting I don’t take my notes yet. I finish a sub-chapter or topic and then go back and take my notes (like explained above) I find this useful bcs you’ll already know more about the concept/topic when you’re taking your notes, instead of just summarizing the text as you go.
𖥻 how to structure a study session
For study I use the pomodoro technique. You study for 25 min, then take a 5 min break. Then study again, break, study, break .... After 4 study sessions you can take a longer break (15min)
To plan my weeks/days I made a weekly schedule for myself where I marked live lectures/zoom webinars, when I watch lecture recordings, read my literature, do weekly assignments & exercises, study sessions, weekly deadlines and just stuff that usually happens weekly. Since my college is 90% online I can plan all my time as I want to so I made my own schedule.
If you have exams upcoming it’s also a great idea to make a study plan. For that I take a monthly overview and mark my exams BiG in a specific color. Then in the sams color I write down what exercises etc I wanna do each day. (Make sure to mark these smaller or in a different way than the exam so it’s super obvious when the exam will be ans you don’t get confused) If you have multiple exams in a short period this method is super useful. Use different colors for each subject/course
I used to make these on paper (and not digitally) so I just made myself a 7:4 grid and marked the days. I colored the exam day all in the color of the subject. For the study notes each day I just highlighted them in the specific color
𖥻 useful apps & websites
For the pomodoro technique I mentioned earlier I use a website called pomofucus.io ! It’s basically a timer
I also heard a lot about this app called forest ! It’s a study timer that helps you to stay focused and off your phone. It costs 2$ tho
For my weekly plan I use the free google calendar ! You can make color codes categories and the design is rly nice in my opinion.
If you need to study vocabulary I can only recommend quizlet !! They have an app & website both free. I’ve been using it for >6 years and it’s helped me so much through highschool. It has different study modes like flashcards, learning-mode, quiz etc. You can also study sets that other people made, so if you wanna study just some random vocab you can look through these. I’ve found some of the textbooks I used so this saved me quite some time.
Also don’t underestimate study or 101 YouTube channels. I usually looked for some explanation YouTube videos for subjects like physics or chemistry and they always helped me a lot.
𖥻 more
I know sometimes you jsut don’t feel like sitting down to study. Studying is hard sometimes. But procrastinating isn’t the solution. Just think about how you’ll feel the next day. If you put off your work on the next day that means you HAVE TO DO IT the next day. But do you think you’ll be more motivated the next day? Probably not, right ... So just do the work as soon as possible. Your future self will thank you.
𖥻 ending notes
So, I hope you could learn a big from this. These are in no way perfect methods but I think they’re quite practical and helpful. Also feel free to comment if you know other great methods !! I’m always open to try out new stuff c:
Let me know if you liked this guide and what other things you’d like to see on my blog ◡̈
໑ see you next time ✧ またね ഒ
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maximvms-blog · 5 years
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HEY HOW’S IT GOIN’ GUYS. it’s ya girl aura and i’m back for veritas: quarter quell edition ! i’m a 20 year old garbage can ( she / her or they / them pronouns plz ) from pst timezone. as you can clearly see, i am a mess, but i’m here to have fun and get to know all of you guys !! i can’t WAIT to unlock the mysteries of this rp, and i know for a fact its going to actually destroy me, so heads up: i’m diagnosed babey and cry over everything all the time. that being said, i also love pain so while i may be crying, i am also THRIVING !! i’m also an artist so i hope ya’ll are ready for me to occasionally draw the shenanigans that happen here. it’s gonna be a TIME !
anyway, enough about me ! click the neat little read more button to get to know my baby boy, maxi-pad. if you like what you see, also feel free to hit that ♥ and i’ll pop into your tumblr or discord ims to aggressively keysmash a plot out. sounds good ? GREAT !! can’t wait to talk to you all asfkalsdjfasfd i’m so excited !
skeleton: the ace faceclaim: froy gutierrez name: max thomas gender & pronouns: cis male ( he/him ) age: twenty-two major: zoology clubs: captain of the track & field and football team ; student government secretary living arrangement: auberlin apartments / apartment 01 employment: unemployed, but occasionally volunteers places & does odd jobs for those that need it
first off, some links. you can find his dossier HERE ( featuring a bio / some stats ) & his pinterest board HERE !!
his name is maximilian anthony thomas ( if he turns out to be the killer i’m gonna laugh because i really did give him 3 first names ) but honestly just max is fine ^^
he’s the child to two ABSOLUTE UNITS of women. both of them are olympic medalists in the athletics category. even his sperm donor dad ( who, yes, also helped raise him ) was a big time baseball player who now coaches one of the best international teams, so to say that he is SPORTS BOY would almost be an understatement.
his sport of choice is easily track, but he also really enjoys baseball, basketball, soccer, and, later on in life, football. if it’s got a ball or allows him to run, chances are he plays it.
he was winning medals as early as 7 years old and had enough for a full wall by the time he was 10. boy is a legacy and it SHOWS.
he doesn’t like it when people try to give him things just because of his name or who his parents are. he would much rather get things through his own hard work. at the same time, he hates losing and is willing to do not so great things in secret if it means he’ll win.
captain of the track & field team during the spring / summer and captain of the football team during fall / winter. he also might be in the student government too so rifp his schedule. boy is ALWAYS busy.
he also does a lot of charity events cuz his parents raised that shit in him ( they literally met at a charity triathalon ), so he goes to quite a view galas and whatnot. LITERALLY HE’S SO BUSY THIS BOY NEVER HAS FREE TIME.
is surprisingly really well versed in art & art history due to one of his moms being a HUGE art history buff. literally his family did an art tour vacation once where they just went across europe & went to a bunch of galleries. basically he may seem like a dumb jock, but if you mix up a renoir & a monet, he WILL call you out on it.
absolute sunshine boy !! loves to smile & laugh & love !! is so passionate about everything !
however, he has some really bad jealousy and pride issues, as hinted at earlier. they’re easily his greatest vices in equal measure.
he’s emotionally fragile so if he snaps, it can get pretty scary, but he’s really good at hiding that side of him. granted, bottling it all up probably isn’t the best either . . .
THAT SAID, HE’S STILL THE TOWN’S GOLDEN BOY !! his coach keeps talking about the 2020 olympics and he’s SO PSYCHED !! everyone in town knows his name bc he really out here being nice to everyone he meets & helping little old ladies cross the road on top of everything else he does. he’s just That Guy.
he had known her since they were wee babies, and they were definitely friends first. whenever they played house, he was always the dog looooong before he played her husband.
the two were always real & honest with each other, and it’s safe to say that he knew the true her before she got all caught up in her loneliness and secret hoarding.
SHE was the one to ask HIM out not long after starting middle school, making them each other’s first like . . . actual relationship. ( though tbh, she moreso DEMANDED he be her boyfriend, rather than properly asking him aslkfjasdf he could never say no to her though so it didn’t really matter )
they wound up having an off-&-on relationship for SIX YEARS. in late-ish high school, he could feel her drifting away so he told her his secret, thinking it would stop her from being bored of him. unfortunately she ended up breaking up w/ him the next day.
[ STALKING TW ] before long she was already seeing someone new. that triggered his jealous streak, and between that and his fear that she was going to tell someone his secret, he started stalking her. at first it was just lining up their schedules so he could always keep an eye on her, but eventually he got access to her social media logins and started keeping tabs on her private conversations. she’d shown him some of her own hacking tricks when they were still together, so even when she changed her passcodes, it was a simple crack before he was snooping through her shit again.
eventually she confronted him about the fact that she was constantly seeing him everywhere, though still unaware of the fact that he was the one that was hacking into her accounts. he played it off, and while she did tell the authorities about it, that was about the end of it. he stopped stalking her for a couple of years after following her to st ettienne, and things mellowed out between them.
he joined student council that year, and after that him and daisey started to talk a lot more again. they even kinda became friends again. one night, she was having a rough time so she called him. after a quiet night of talking and looking at the stars, she kissed him. it was really great, up until she shoved him away and said it was a mistake, going right back to ignoring his existence the very next day. this caused him to fall back into his stalking habits, finding them a comfort.
this time, she finds out that its HIM going through her social media, and she pulls him aside privately at the homecoming party to yell at him. she even says that she’s going to expose his secret for being such a creep. it’s then that he sees her for what she really is, rather than the rose-colored image he’d been seeing before.
that’s the last he ever sees of daisey rutherford, and he can’t tell if he’s grateful or heartbroken for that.
okay listen i’m . . . honestly garbage at coming up with wanted connections because i genuinely want everything. friends, lovers, enemies, family — the whole shebang. i’m always down to brainstorm, so if you’ve got any ideas, even if they’re whacky, hit me with them and we can come up with something phenomenal and unique, yeah ? yeah !
the biggest actual idea i can think of is like . . . half siblings through his biological father. i think the dichotomy of that could be fun since his dad is still VERY MUCH in his life along w/ his 2 moms. TAKEN BY CASSIDY
rivals in sports could be fun ! as w/ rivals in general !
people he tried hooking up w/ to make daisey jealous when they weren’t together ? maybe ??
he doesn’t drink or smoke or do anything fun so like ?? a bad influence type connection mayhaps ?
bro squad bro squad bro squad bro squad bro squad. did i mention bro squad ?? ( ed is his best fucking friend so any mutual friends,,,,,, let’s squad it up )
maybe i’ll edit this later if more come to me, but for now that’s what i’ve got !! hmu if anything strikes your fancy or if you’ve got any other ideas !
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