#i really despise zane as a person but dammit he's a good character
aberooski · 11 months
Question. Zane is like
Very Edgelord but kinda snaps out of it later on. I'm trying to find some kind of balance or at least something that'll be kinda like an "Oh shit" moment for him. I'm having trouble with him because it's either "would he throw an insult?" Or "is he being too nice?" Any advice?
Ooh okay hmm 🤔
I've run into this myself not having much experience personally writing Zane. He's a difficult one to get a grasp on in my experience because of how complex he is.
Of course context is important, like what stage of edgelord Zane is at because especially if he's full Edgelord Supreme anything that could shake him would have to be pretty big and drastic.
Finding Zane's middle ground is tough honestly, I know exactly what you mean. The thing I've found to keep in mind is that Zane has a disconnect between his emotions and his ability to express them that was probably created during his time training at the dojo with the cyber legacy as a kid. And how that translates especially to Syrus is that he acts kinda as a disciplinarian almost, like a demanding mentor with high standards than a brother, but Syrus hasn't grown or developed as a duelist or within himself enough to be able to achieve so Zane's tough on him and ultimately unfortunately exhibits abusive behaviors, but also you can see hints in the first season that he does care and is trying to look out for Syrus in his own weird, very detached sort of way because it's the best he can do. It takes extreme situations for him to be able to align his heart and his head concerning his ability to express his care for his brother.
For example back in season 1, Camula threatening to sacrifice Sy'd soul if Zane defeated her. Or in season 3 Sy could've been killed by the Doom Dozer had Zane not stepped in. And even then in those situations he's fairly casual about it. He's still kinda distant all things considered but less so than usual.
I guess if I had to boil it down, my main advice is that no matter what, Zane is an emotionally distant, closed off guy even when he's expressing any genuine concern. He's more of an acts of service guy in terms of expressing his feelings, and he's a tough love kinda guy. He's harsh and doesn't sugarcoat or anything like that. Unless someone is actually dying or in a situation where they could, he's not gonna be very soft or nice without an undertone of harshness to it. If that makes sense?
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