#i really need to draw a good ref for jackal lol
courier-sux · 4 years
About the Character
Tagged by @its-sixxers, thanks!! Because I’m stuck at home I’m probably going to be doing a lot of stuff like this lol
Your muse’s name: Jackal
One picture / faceclaim of your muse: (picrew by @ummmmandy​)
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Two headcanons you have for your muse?
1. Jackal will pick up various odds and ends and put them in her pockets without really even thinking about it. Golf balls, coins, bottle caps, shell casings, figurines, flowers, buttons, bits of glass, cool rocks — nothing is safe. If you wake up and find a gecko claw or a marble next to your bed, then you know Jackal must like you.
2. All of her guns have names, and they’re all from old western movies. Dallas and Ringo, her revolver and repeater, are both from Stagecoach (1939).
Three things your character likes doing in their free time:
1. Fixing stuff. Usually broken radios and old guns, it gives her something to do with her hands.
2. Playing guitar. Her dad taught her how; it was something she still knew how to do even after losing her memories.
3. Watching old movie holotapes. Jackal was legitimately excited for the midnight showing at the Mojave Drive-In. Having her organs stolen was disappointing for multiple reasons.
Seven people your muse loves/likes:
Her twin brother, Jace. When Jackal remembers that she has a twin brother, everyone’s reaction is “oh god, there’s two of them”. Luckily for the Mojave, Jace is very different. He’s kind, bright, and an overall good influence on her.
Boone. Neither of them had expected to care so much about each other. After almost a year of watching each other’s backs, they realized that they were the only people who really know one another. Boone could see past the facade Jackal showed to the outside world, and in turn he could share his guilt, regrets, and inner conflicts with her. They inspire each other to be better.
ED-E. Though not technically a ‘person’, ED-E was Jackal’s first real friend after losing her memories. It was also the first time she broke down after realizing how truly alone she was. Both of them had been shot and left for dead, and both had no idea if anyone would even miss them once they were gone. ED-E brought one more first for Jackal; the first time she had a good night’s sleep.
Arcade. He starts helping Jackal after she asks if he can help her ‘do stuff’, and the two end up making a good, if unusual, team. She helps him loosen up a little, and he shares his braincells with her to keep her out of trouble.
Raul. He’s ‘viejo’ to her, and she’s ‘lobo’ to him. They bond over their love of fixing things, and he’s the main reason that she’s so good at it. He has tried and failed to re-teach her Spanish.
Veronica. Jackal has a huge soft spot for Veronica, as she had a huge crush on her when they first met. Eventually she gets over it, and helps reunite her and Christine. 
Cass. She’s Jackal’s preferred drinking buddy, and the two of them get shit done when they work together. The only downside is that they tend to leave a mess behind.
A phobia your muse has:
Taphophobia, specifically the fear of being buried alive. Jackal isn’t afraid of much, but she still has nightmares involving the Goodsprings incident.
I never know who to tag in these, so I invite anyone reading this to do it and TAG ME so I can see!!
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