#i rewatch the trailer from time to time i think abt the amazing stories in its dlcs just. god
balteus · 2 years
"i bet they're thinking about other women"
me, eyes wide awake in bed staring at the wall: i wonder how dark souls 2 would have looked like had it not been gutted by its first director and its publisher, how it would have been if its development time wasn't cut short by an entire year and if it weren't forced to be developed for outdated hardware of old gen consoles
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figureinthedistance · 13 days
Finished zaillian's ripley its probably my fav talented mr ripley adaptation tho i havent seen the oldest in ages. Rewatched the matt damon one when it went on netflix and thought it was good only as its own thing and was a strange interpretation of highsmith's works. Obviously i have had a period of my life where i was a huge patricia highsmith fan when i was like 12 and so into film noir and hardboiled detective stuff and also beginning to become a lesbian and obviously i was a full ripleyhead and obsessed w him and then when i was like 14 either learned or just accepted what an evil person patricia highsmith was and turned against her and felt bitterness towards online lesbians who were obsessing over the price of salt adaptation whenever that came out.
Anyway someone sent me the trailer for this after i saw andrew scott (omg love that the tumblr font joins the two ts together) in all of us strangers bc they thought just from the trailer that he looked rlly good in it but i only got hyped when i saw it was by zaillian bc in the last like year ive become a zaillian head and this cements it he did the best ripley adaptation ive seen certainly the best talented mr ripley adaptation and im excited to see him adapt other ripley stories. I loved it for many reasons. Firstly im a tv head so it being the first ripley tv show rather than film moves me. Secondly the homosexuality and that they made ripley straight up an evil repressed gay man. Thirdly how pathetic and loserish and creepy ripley was. fourthly the stuff w caravaggio. Fifthly the cat and mouse stuff worked so well. Sixthly the soundscapes. Im a zaillian head bc i think hes an amazing writer i think a civil action is one of my all time fav screenplays but that didnt come thru so much in this show there were only a couple stand out lines. But still very well made. Also omg everything is connected just put together the guy who played dickie played knightly in the emma film i was thinking abt today. He was rlly good and played dickie sooooo likeable which to me is so crucial like the success of a retelling of the talented mr ripley is so closely tied to the personability of dickie. Also marge was great probs my fav marge glad they have to make her a serious character now. Bc of woke
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