#i think muhyul is my favorite option- the face shape and expression in the mouth seem best
quilleth · 24 days
The universe has flipped me a giant fucking bird this week so i'm going to commit retail therapy to make myself feel better and go ahead and buy a head for Faolan now...if I can decide which one to go with.
I have the money, so why not? Yes I also need a body for Vanora still, but the Impldoll muscle body isn't out yet anyway.
There's a few on the secondhand market i like, and Muhyul and Ruan are up for order on Faithz, but most of the ones I've looked at I'd need to modify in *some* way--either dying (the easiest tbh, though I'd have to remove old faceup residue on some and that could be a gamble), or changing the eye shape, or both. And I'm a little nervous about doing eye mods on an expensive switch head :/
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