#i think that says something about me. Idk if it's positive or negative tho 🤔
thechosenanubis · 1 year
I know that a lot of people think that when Fabian went to uni, he would apply for a history degree or something related to that particular field. Like that seems the consensus in the fandom.
But am I the only one who thinks Fabian would want to go in the STEM field? And specifically study something related to space and the universe??
Give me Astrophysicist!Fabian in his adorable white scientist lab coat!!!!! ⭐🌟🌠✨
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phantomdrummcr · 2 years
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@youthstclen​ whispered:  🎶 — favorite song at the moment? 📕 — favorite book/series? 🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests? 📺 — favorite movie(s) and/or tv show(s)? ✏️ — how long have you been roleplaying on tumblr? ✍️ — what other platforms have you roleplayed on? 🗒 — what is/are your favorite genre(s)/theme(s) to write? 🤔 — what genre(s)/theme(s) do you struggle to write the most? 😁 — what’s your favorite part about being part of the rpc?
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🎶 → that’s still quite a difficult one, i gotta say chung ha’s stay tonight tho. it’s such a fuckin bop. i can never get enough of that song like ever.
📕 → sadly it has to be the w.arriors series, it sucks that the lore is so fascinating cuz as of late it’s been under fire for some uh. problematic™ shit that i don’t really wanna get into now but like. it was basically what got me into writing and my earliest plots were based on its universe. and i hate myself for that 🙃
📺 → i mean obviously the walking dead, you already know this lmao, but also i just. can’t get enough of cartoons i watched as a teen?? like adventure time n voltron n all that shit. yeah u know xD
✏️ → i wanna say somewhere between 4-5 years, i opened my lance blog sometime in 2018 as a sideblog to my main before really doubling down and opening up that multi of mine in early 2020.
✍️ → deviantart, discord, & skype! but mostly it’s here n discord c:
🗒 → probably softer & sillier things like fluff n slice of life n all that, i also enjoy writing angst & smut but the latter you won’t see here and angst tends to elevate my blood pressure more than it doesn’t cuz right now it’s hard for me to juggle regular angst and my already incredible barrage of mental health issues, i just wanna focus on positivity rn cuz the world is just so fucking negative rn esp with all the civil rights violations happening not just in the us but all over the fucking world. anyways imma stop there before i dive into this stupid tangent i’m teetering right on the edge of--
🤔 → struggle doesn’t really describe my situation with angst, i think i’m okay with writing it other than the mood it puts me in, but for some reason i kind of have difficulty doing things like songfics??? like i can write something inspired off of a song but the whole line by line thing that seems very in right now i just. it seems way over-detailed for me to be able to handle and organize???
😁 → probably just. the diversity of the community. there are people from all over the world with different talents, who speak different languages, who dabble in other artistic endeavors, who are encouraging and open to talk (at least in my experience) about whatever is on your mind about a particular thread/writing scenario. idk i’ve met a lot of amazing people here in the rpc and even tho it can at times feel like a toxic and demanding community, the small circles i’m in are more than understanding and happy to let me take my time which i’m grateful af for and love you all for 🥺 <333
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