#i tried to answer this on mobile then accidentally tapped a notification and it wiped it so i had to go get my laptop
tinystepsforward · 2 months
just to clarify, the article said the data was not confirmed to have been sent anywhere (eg to ai companies). do you have a source (even if you cant name them directly)?
i do not have a source who is directly involved with this deal, as you can imagine.
an indirect/observer source passed on, well before that article was published, the impression that this data had already been sent. i think the staff member's quoted use of "unfortunately" leans toward that implication.
that said, i'd love to think that my sources and i are all misinterpreting badly worded internal info! and i don't think the staff member in question should have been named, given it's clear that this was not their choice and given what tumblr can be like. (andrew spittle, on the other hand.)
this was kept intentionally quite out of view for most automatticians including most tumblr staff, i think. the company's usually relatively open internally (or used to be) about most of its business operations, though lately there's been more and more evidence that things are being drafted out of sight then edited for company view.
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