#i wanna joke so bad that the reason GoodManager is overseas is bc of me like i got mad or something
bunnyb34r · 11 months
Lmao so all of us floor workers are getting shuffled around in an effort to actually make us productive/see how hard we are actually working (which really means: the people who actually work are making their areas decent and we want other areas decent. Don't matter that those previous areas will be bad now. Nope not at all)
And people are SO MAD
But 😏 guess who is the one person who doesn't have to change lmaooo 🥰 meeeee
And he wants the clothing folded a specific way now and everyone is like this is so stupid I don't get it!! And I'm like "oh that? You mean what I've been doing for the past two months? The thing that my coworkers cannot figure out how to replicate and will 'fix' thinking a customer did it? That? Hahaaaaa bitch yesssss"
And [RC] had told BratBoy that with these changes he just can't piss me off bc she has to deal with that and he was like "so um I was SPECIFICALLY told by [relative coworker] to not make you mad... bc you'll get really angry... so I don't wanna get yelled at 😬... by any of you!!! 😟"
Agsgdgdg like he is already at least a little afraid of me bc I've gotten "mad" and bitched ab NewLady and it's like hahahaha bitch you haven't seen me mad. You've seen me irritated. Me being actually mad is worse. :)
Anyway irritating but not upsetting bc we "unofficially officially" have sections now and he's like "nothing will change for you it's fine" sgdgdggd
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