#i will always be the number one thh shill
plushiehamuko · 2 years
Saw your post about the “which dr game is the best” polls thing and I gotta say I feel like Trigger Happy Havoc might actually be the best of the series 🤔 I know that’s probably a hot take but I’ve been replaying it and I think it honestly does the best job of setting up the premise. The chapter 6 lore dump/investigation is never as good as it is in thh, and even the regular investigations are less linear in dr1 than 2 and v3
Anyway my point is that I think people conflate enjoyment with quality (even I enjoy dr2 the best) but dr1 is so underrated and you are right to say it
everything you said is so true!!!
to put why i think thh is best more seriously than my joking post earlier, i think there’s several things it does best out of any of the games in the series.
one thing that really stands out to me about thh is that out of all the games, it’s the one where i’d say it really feels the most like every character has their own important role that they contribute to the group (except maaaaaybe not hiro but he’s a very funny guy so like we forgive him). it’s bc of that that i’d say thh easily did the best job of making me like and care about the characters. sdr2 is a close second in this aspect; i think that some of the individual character arcs in sdr2 are more interesting than the thh ones, but the tradeoff is that there’s also a large amount of characters that left a lot to be desired in that respect. v3 is easily the worst out of the three games in terms of character arcs and development, and half of the characters were repetitive and trope-y in a way that made them hard to get attached to. it actually made 3-4 fall completely emotionally flat for me (although i’m aware this is an unpopular opinion!)
also, the claustrophobic atmosphere of being stuck in hope’s peak adds a level of desperation and horror to the games that the other games lack. i also think it easily has the best motives that focus on giving insight into who the characters are as people.
i’d start talking about how naegi as a protag improves the game but i’d end up rambling about him long enough to make a whole separate post lol. but to put it simply i do think that naegi is the best character out of all the protags (even tho komaru’s still my favorite) and the way he contributes to the dynamic of the group is a huge part of what makes the thh cast the best cast for me!
there’s things about the other games that are really good as well; unsurprisingly, komaeda is my favorite antag, and 3-5 is actually my favorite trial in all of dr (i’m such a sucker for ouma and his antics i want to aggressively shake him by the shoulders he’s so ABDJAJFJAKDK)
but there’s just something special about thh. it always has the biggest spot in my heart!
(i talked too much whoops sorry)
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