#i will be post a sketch page of her & Luci in like 20 mins
moonstruckdraws · 3 months
Meet Sage!
A mushroom yokai based on the Bleeding Fairy Helmet (Mycena haematopus) & Luci's partner!
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Her design; I feel like her design is what you'd expect from a mushroom character, with the bellcap on the head & such. I gave her stubbed feet cuz she's a fungus & they don't got any feet lol. I also gave her that indent some mushrooms have on her cap for fun.
Bleeding Fairies are common in NA & EU, but are also found in Japan & Venezuela, & I'll take any reason to draw clothing from Japan. So I gave her a haori with simple designed sleeves. Keepin it simple & honestly it looked better with the design only on the sleeves (& I don't have the sanity to draw a complex design every time but maybe one day).
I am EXTREMELY happy with her hair because I used the gills (underside of the cap) of the mushroom to round out & look like bangs! And I'm happy with it because it looks cute lol
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Sage is from the Mushroom Forest, while the forest itself is not a living environment for other yokai, it is her home. She used to reside near Mermaid Lagoon; away from the Battle Nexus as criminals & thugs tended to hang around the outskirts (like what Raph & the Mud Dogz did) Currently though, Sage is living in Witch Town.
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Alright, her biology (don't expect it to be 100% accurate to the actual mushroom lol)
The Bleeding Fairy Helmet is called as such because when damaged, it'll emit a deep red color like blood. While I did cover her in bandages, I swear she's not fragile. She's actually quite sturdy & literally thick skinned (despite being a thin-stemmed mushroom).
She's got chompers!! Little piranha she is. I gave her chompers because she's a mushroom which are decomposers. She loves any edible plants and can/will eat tree bark. While Bleeding Fairies aren't said to be poisonous, it's recommended not to eat them due to possible toxins they produce. So, I made it so she's immune to other toxins & has high resistance to poison & venom (though not invulnerable).
I think yokai naturally emit mystic energy or just have an aura of potential energy, so Sage's mystic energy would spawn fungi when she walks on special soils full of mystic energy. This always happens on the soil in the Mushroom Forest & can be a compass to where lots of mystic energy is.
Bleeding Fairies are a bioluminescent mushroom, but with very weak bioluminescence. I of course did not follow that, nor made it the biologically correct glowing color, because it's more fun. I love blue bioluminescence & it contrasts her reds. Haven't really decided on which hue of blue, but i'll figure it out lol. Anyway, she glows automatically when it is dark. It's of the brightness of lava lamps, but she can dim her glow but never fully off. She also glows sometimes, at a less intense level, when feeling strong emotions (mainly sadness or surprise)
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As said before, Sage now lives in Witch Town. Though her reasons for moving are unknown, she adapts quite well in the area. Though she many stays in her home, she enjoys strolling around the Hidden City & trying new things.
She works as one of Witch Town's herbalists & studies medicine and plants. She is still technically in training as she learns to a bit of magic from her mentor & expanding her mystic powers.
Sage gains possession of a cloaking brooch from her mentor as a gift for her dedication & because of her interest of the surface world. (I have not designed this yet, but maybe this weekend lol). She doesn't carry it on her person constantly, only when planning to make trips up to the surface.
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