#i will bleach larp my way straight into their office
bleachbleachbleach · 11 months
Being really far gone for Bleach is such a good coping mechanism. I say this so genuinely, ahahaha; I love a good Bleach LARP. Because it lets you get mail from your insurance agency that’s like “blah blah blah X changed and your rates are going to go up unless you DON’T want this liability coverage that is completely irrelevant to your situation, in which case please send us [form with an 8-word long title that is not enclosed, and with no send destination listed] within 15 days.” And you can look at the date of the letter and think, ah, 15 days from then. I see. So TOMORROW?
But it’s all good because mentally you’re like, ah, mail from Soul Society. In character. As usual. Acceptable!
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