#i will pull IKP if I find it on goodreads again like PLEASE
For the second time in three years, I've successfully managed to get my fics taken off goodreads. STOP!!! PUTTING!!! THEM!!!! ON!!!!! GOODREADS!!!!!!!!! It's not published! I don't care about your reading goals, nor do I care to see your reviews with stars where you can discuss what I did well/didn't.
Every fic I've ever written has been for fun, in my free time. Unpaid, without an editor, just the worms in my brain telling me what to do. This is NOT flattering- and I don't care if there are fanfic authors who think it is. They're WRONG and frankly, they don't support the community and the overwhelming requests from writers asking people to not do this. Clout is literally a disease.
Please, I am BEGGING people to stop doing this. Count it in your journals, leave your reviews on AO3 and treat fanfiction like community collaboration- I gave this to you so we can talk about it, do you feel as insane about these characters as me? Stop treating fanfic like a consumable item you're entitled to do whatever you like with.
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