#i wish she'd write another book it's been 7 years sarah
buckybarnesss · 2 years
one of my favorite books is partly cloudy patriot by sarah vowell. i used to re-read it every election but the last time i tried i couldn’t finish it because [waves hands] generally everything. 
today is election day.
“All of which is to say, look up the word suffrage in the dictionary. In mine, after noting the main meanings - the privilege of voting, the “exercise of such a right,” the third interpretation of suffrage is this: “A short intercessory prayer.” Isn’t that beautiful? And true? For what is voting if not a kind of prayer, and what are prayers if not declarations of hope and desire?” p.85
i don’t want ron desantis to be governor anymore and yet i find it hard to believe there’s any justice in the godless hell hole that is florida.
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