#i wont be able to make em until tomorrow afternoon
exculis · 10 months
so excited for oats. i am going to add brown sugar. and maybe some jam on top the next day or something who knows.
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smandraws · 7 years
i think better when im composing stuff for other people to read so here’s some thoughts on my summer goals vis a vis gaining and exercise.
starting weight may 1st 2017: 219.5 pounds
major goals- 3500 calories a day intake, and go to the gym for at least 30 minutes every weekday.
i have progress pictures but im not comfortable putting em up yet. maybe in a month i’ll do a photoset and see if there’s visible differences.
so in my experience gaining this last week, I’ve noticed that i really need to stick pretty close to a to-do list or schedule or something. More than food eating capacity, time management has been my biggest obstacle. if i dont schedule or plan out a day or afternoon i’ll probably do something that will end up making me hyperfocus on it all afternoon- like play video games for hours on end and such.
the problem with this is that when i hyperfocus on stuff i dont get up to cook and eat things. i’ll eat snacks and such, but without like an external interruption there’s no way i’ll eat as much as i should to gain like i want. a feeder would be helpful in these instances but. like. how does that relationship/friendship work if you dont live together. it would have to be a regular “hey come over for a few hours but we dont necessarily have to engage in the standard hangout social contract and also you make me food” like. how does that work on any sorta regular basis. youd have to make it like one of them sitcoms where this other person just comes into your house of their own accord and its no big deal.
scheduling out things that need to happen first thing in the morning (like im gonna go to the gym at 9:30 or something like that) has been very helpful- with stuff happening that soon in the morning i won’t turn on my computer and start distracting myself. though that does depend on if i decide to not go on my phone too. it’s just as bad. (note, perhaps buy an actual alarm clock? if i dont have to look at my phone first thing in the morning i wont be tempted to turn it on first thing in the morning)
Also, when i get on the computer to work on things i tend to stay on the computer for a long time- and while i like being on here and talking to people i frequently feel im not making the most of my time. And that might be solved by limiting my access to my browser or something so i can work without getting distracted. I feel like i spend too long each day connected, but that’s also one of my major social outlets so it’s difficult to balance.
i frequently feel that whatever im doing has to take a backseat to the social thing happening in a different tab, even if that is not the case like 90% of the time. I think i may need to make myself say “hey- what youre doing (drawing, writing, etc) is more important- handle that conversation at x time or in x minutes”
Despite these things, however, i have been able to eat a lot and hopefully gain a lot. i weigh in on monday so we’ll see. (if i weigh in daily i’ll drive myself insane) the goal is 10 pounds over may. 
And these notes and doubts are me analyzing my faults and the places where i fell short of my own expectations- all in all i really feel like i did some great progress and had a really good first week.
i didn’t go to the gym today, cause i got distracted by a work thing, but the plan is to go tomorrow. also, another goal is to Plan more Deliberately (like setting aside planning time) and also to find ways to avoid turning on my internet devices until like. noon. this is the plan for this next week.
summer of gains has begun! im excited!
oh hey its also my birthday on the 12th thats rad
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