#i wouldve added like 15 heart emojis but i dont have an emoji keyboard on desktop bc my computer is so old
hanarchy · 2 years
Here's a harmless confession: I'm someone who doesn't really normally get feelings for people in a "normal" way, but sometimes I have impressions where I'm like oh I could definitely be into xyz person if I gave it some time and cultivated it. There is someone who on the stayblr Discord that I have that impression towards but I know for a fact they're already in a relationship. It's not a big deal, but hey might as well inbox it. Thanks for creating a cool community!
ah ok, just to get this out of the way: there's absolutely no need to thank me for creating the discord, it was really for selfish reasons that I even had the idea. I just wanted a more interactive way to hang out with my mutuals. I'm so glad you're having a good time on it <3
that being said, @snug-gyu and @hanjesungs set most of it up, most credit very seriously goes to them and tsunara literally did it at the same time as me so I can't even take credit for the idea eaiofdkn. they are the backbone of that server and also two great friends imo
ok now onto the other thing. I know this isn't what the confession was about but if you will allow me to butt in: I want you to know that there's no 'normal' way to have feelings. whatever way you have them or develop them is great because it's yours!! I'm very serious about this, no one I know has feelings in a 'normal' way. be it that they're poly or that they don't really distinguish between platonic and romantic or that they're scared of intimacy or that they're aro/ace or a million other ways to have feelings we have been taught was somehow abnormal. I guarantee that it's either all weird or all normal, whichever you like better.
aand onto the actual topic of this: I think honestly that's something to cherish. It means there's a real connection there and real connections are so precious. It means that, no matter what, there's meaning to be found there. even if it isn't in the way that people would think. even if it's just for yourself without ever telling anyone.
anyway, i hope you're doing well and i'm so happy to share the discord and tumblr with you!
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