#i'll just... split everything up into multiple hcs at some point ig
shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
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Miranda’s relationship with The Connections.
(Note: this is a blend of canon and headcanon. cw for spanish flu aka a pandemic, child loss, miscarriage, child abuse, and general abuse bc shes a pos)
The game shows that Miranda not only held some connection with The Connections, but is responsible for oswell himself creating Umbrella. For the start of it all, 1909 is when Miranda gave birth to her daughter, Eva. in 1919, when eva was only 10 years old, she came in contact with the spanish flu and perished. note how she was ten years old at the time of her death.
miranda did have a husband at this time, the father of eva and a village doctor. it was an arranged relationship, and despite his desires for more children, his focus on his work kept him from continuing to try with miranda. she would be pregnant twice more, but never to term. partly due to her husband.
when the spanish flu started spreading, miranda wanted to keep eva home and safe, where she’d never come into contact with others that may infect her. unfortunately, due to her husbands line of work, his obsession with his career that overruled his interest in their family. he eventually obtained the spanish flu himself, and miraculously survived, but not before infecting eva and ultimately leading to her death. something he held miranda accountable for.
eva’s death broke miranda. the only person miranda ever loved, and who loved her. with her husbands mistreatment and abandonment, eva was all miranda had. she treated eva more as a friend, a lifeline, than simply a daughter. notably, she tried to control eva’s life as well, all in an effort to ‘keep her safe’, but also to prevent what happened to miranda from happening to eva.
upon eva’s death, miranda went to a cavern deep within the village to join her daughter. during this time, she found the megamycete. upon touching the overgrowth of pitch black fungus, memories of thousands of others who’s come in contact with, and perished by, the mold went through her mind. she even saw visions of eva’s body, and came to the conclusion that the mold was how she’d regain her daughter.
in a painful moment, the mold entered her body through various open wounds on miranda’s hands. it fused with her flesh, joining her and, due to her DNA differing from those it’d previously killed, instead joined together with miranda’s mind. consuming her thoughts and corrupting her entirely. her dark blue eyes became a brighter, near ghostly blue. her skin paled greatly, and she found the mold following her when she moved her hand. rather than death, she found herself reborn.
as miranda went back home, her husband found her and berated her, angered that she’d run away before they took the chance to replace eva. in a moment of fury, she pointed her palm towards him, and a root of mold plunged deep within his chest, killing him painfully. a grin spread on her lips at the control she held, and she abandoned his corpse on the mountain’s edge. the megamycete absorbing his body, leaving no traces behind.
upon miranda’s return to the village, she called upon the villagers to come see her. unwilling to listen at first, until they saw the roots form around her body. initially terrified, she walked to a sick man who desired freedom from his pain, and sliced his hand with the root of the mold. upon entering his bloodstream, the man seemed ‘cured’ of his ailments, and the villagers stared at the woman in disbelief. several more villagers, she ‘healed’, and soon enough they bowed to the woman of magic who healed their most sickly. in that moment, she declared herself the prophet of the black god… and claimed the title of mother miranda.
unbeknownst to the vilagers, the ‘cured’ were not cured at all. rather the mold took control of their bodies, and through miranda, make them appear well. she made them worship her through the control the megamycete gave her over them, and the infected convinced the uninfected that she was a true miracle for them all. her words spoken in their church to decree her miracles, the gifts she bestowed upon the village, and as she’d tell them, only their village as it was their home. as the descendants of the prior rulers of the village steadily left and returned, or in some cases, were taken, miranda continued her sermons. and taking volunteers as ‘trainees’ in the means of ‘spreading her gospel’, as means to explain their disappearances, miranda used them in experiments with the mold. over a centuries time, this is how she’d attain the four lords. claiming them as her children, but really only keeping them around to aid in control of the village. whereas failed experiments, often turning into lycans, would be sent away to keep the villagers alive for further experiments, eventually allowing heisenberg to take control of the hoarde.
in the 1950s is when she met oswell, whom she rescued from the freezing mountains. she kept him alive once she learned of his skill as a scientist, but he left upon realizing her only goal was to find a host for her daughter’s conscious she so truly believed still lived in the mold. he sent her messages still, though she rarely read them. no interest in his desire to ‘further evolution’, her only desire bringing eva back.
it was shortly after this time that she fully developed the ability to shapeshift, and started entering the village as an old hag to listen in on the villagers, and have the lycans or the lords slaughter any who planned to leave or stand against her.
around the year 2000, the crime syndicate, the connections, discovered miranda’s existence through files found belonging to oswell. they made contact with her upon discovery of her power, and her intention to bring her daughter back to life. with the desire to create a bioweapon that could easily sneak through a crowd unnoticed, they realized the potential in the megamycete, and told miranda they’d help bring eva back.
fully aware of their lies, she still agreed, intending to slaughter the entirety of them should the operation prove successful. she offered them samples of a weakened strain of the mold so they’d be unable to defeat her when the time came. eventually, after dozens of failed experiments, miranda joined the connections to help research herself. ultimately using her own DNA which led to the creation of eveline, the first successful experiment. even meeting her future handler, mia, and ensuring she’d be a decent guardian for the girl for the time being. 
Miranda aided in raising eveline for the first year, aging her to the appearance of a ten year old girl, vastly modifying her intellect, turning her into as perfect of a clone of eva as she could. evelines powers proved superior to the other projects, proved time and time again what a brilliant experiment she could be to miranda.
but not a daughter. even if she genetically was, and formed from miranda’s own petrified eggs, by all accounts was miranda’s biological daughter.. she still wasn’t considered good enough to be eva’s vessel. 
 by all accounts, eveline is genetically miranda’s daughter. however, due to her, ironically identical viewpoints as miranda, miranda viewed eveline as a failure, and left her with the connections. 
miranda did, however, keep in contact with the connections. kept up to date on information regarding eveline from lucas baker, though she showed little interest beyond how far even a weakened strain of the megamycete could grow. however, eventually, she’d learn of evelines death, and that ethan and mia, upon being infected with the megamycete, managed to create a daughter of their own... one miranda believed to be a perfect vessel for eva. 
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