#i'm afraid to know how intense your project file looks for this!
albatris · 2 years
hello! I invented Georgia Blue, like, yesterday and am Wondering which oc of yours she would get along with !!
she's 14, does ballet, autistic + semi-verbal, going thru the onset of a psychotic disorder (i have not picked Which One yet), likes cats more than people, really misses her sibling (who is. a ghost now), is afraid of cars (because projection), and watches horror films alone at night because she's on another level entirely
she sounds v cool!!! I like her already!!
if you think she'd get along well with someone who'd be a sort of goofy older brother type I think she and Tris would vibe together!! as long as she's okay with endless terrible puns :P
he's a sweet kid, very earnest and cheerful and excitable, will be anyone's hype man, but due to his monotone and flat affect he's also an excellent choice for not being an Overwhelming And Loud hype man lmao. he has an anxious streak and doesn't like loud noises or the outdoors, BUT around anxious friends he does his best to override his own anxiety to be there for them
he's been through (is going through?) the wringer of a psychotic disorder that kicked in young (schizophrenia), and is a little awkward and clumsy when it comes to advice-giving but definitely knows the importance of a good support system, n fellow psychotics gotta watch out for each other. he's happy to offer tips or an ear to listen or just to simply vibe in solidarity
but ye, he also likes cats more than people so no problems there, would probably love to just hang out together with some kitties or talk about cats if she's feelin it. since he likes cats more than people, he's also very used to hangouts being just "vaguely vibing in the same space without talking" which I feel like is something she'd maybe also enjoy? parallel play my beloved
and he would absolutely bug her for horror movie recommendations hahaha. he wasn't allowed to engage with a lot of horror/fantasy/etc media growing up because his parents thought he was too ~impressionable~ and ~prone to getting reality and fantasy mixed up~ and he just sort of stayed away from it until Shara one day was like HOW HAVE YOU NEVER SEEN ANY X FILES and made him watch her favourite episodes
he's very squeamish and anxious but watches horror stuff anyway because he's like. haha. look at me making my own media choices. I'm so powerful *hides behind seven cushions every time the killer comes on screen*
that being said, anywhere Tris goes there is at least a 60% chance Shara is there too, and I feel like she and Shara might vibe also, though Shara's a bit more bouncy and hyperactive and intense...... she's a fellow semi-verbal autistic horror movie buff (n likely schizotypal too) :3 also a very passionate kindhearted person, but with wacky mad scientist vibes and ms frizzle outfits and an adoration for puzzles and the paranormal :P
Tris Greer 🤝 Georgia Blue: capital s Stuff happening to their siblings and having to deal with the grief and confusion of missing them
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czec-hoslo-vak-ians · 4 years
This is one of my favorite episode...5 out of 5 stars
This is where I can officially start shipping ships
Maria and Michael💜
Scene goes here👽
Michael is always breaking in to something haven't he ever heard of just trying to walk through the front door. Why couldn't Michael use the school computers to look up this information, or he could have gone to the public library instead of breaking and entering the UFO Center.
This teacher does not look smart enough to come up with a project like this when Maria says be the personal questions you definitely know that Topolsky must have something to do with these questions because this would be another way for her to find some answers. Maria not wanting to work with Michael on this project the way she said it makes you think that there's more to to that she doesn't want to work with him. But teacher didn't even realize that Michael wasn't in the classroom LOL, which makes me definitely think that this project is definitely the Topolski , even the way they're paired up is even fishy. Kyle hates the idea that he has to work with Max, Max could care less. Liz doesn't like the idea of Max and Kyle working together on this project. Topolski is such a snake in the grass. Max is good at getting out of sticky situation Charmed his boss out of pressing charges against Michael, and he didn't even have to use his powers to do it. I understand when Max is upset however if Max would be more interested in this Dome and help Michael he would have not snuck in to research it. Again Max getting Isabel's approval instead of the deciding on his own whether or not to give the keys to Michael. Max wants to help Michael however Isabel won't allow him Isabelle more worried about her Human life being blown up. I think Isabel is afraid of the on the inside of her the unknown hence why I'm Keen to helping Michael finding this Dome. 👽
You definitely know the best thing that has happened to Max is having Liz in his life and telling her his secret however he has to go with a different answer so the next best answer is being adopted which also can also be the truth. Kyle is such a dick right now after Max gives him the answer. How is being such a jerk with these questions. This must be so uncomfortable for Liz to be watching those two working together.👽 now Liz has a cell phone two episodes ago she was using a payphone.👽 did they really think that Michael wasn't going to find a car. Of course Liz is going to go with them because there's no way that Max going to let Liz stay behind with Kyle. Of course they would have a tail on them from Topolski. she must work for the government agent if the messages she sends has to be encrypte.
Wow what a hideous flip phone that was cell phones have definitely changed over the years for the better. That was a hard Sting from Liz to Isabel about knowing what species she is. Liz hates being kept in the dark. She is of a correct Michael Des do pretty shady things and revolves her best friend she definitely needs to know what is going on.Max wants to tell Liz however Isabella telling him not to say . Again Isabel calling the shots for Max.👽
Why is Kyle so obsessed about Liz and her whereabouts because last episode he said the best thing about breaking up is that I don't have to care anymore( something along those lines) but in this scene he's acting so worrisome about her. Kyle needs to move on by himself another girlfriend and then maybe he would stop obsessing over Max and Liz. The less he knows the safer he is. He's just so hell-bent on finding out what's going on. Kyle knows that his father is hiding something from him knowing something about Max Evans. This is the turning point of Isabel and Liz's relationship. The tail just got busted he wasn't a very good tail. Come on at least pretend you're talking on the phone.
👽 this is when Max starts being selfish. he isn't worried about anyone he doesn't want anyone's help all he wants to do is to find out what's in the dome so secretly Max really wanted to know what was inside and now that the opportunity presents itself he isn't turning back now. How does Kyle know where they are there is no way he's tracking her. Because tracking in flip phones do not exist back then. Unless he found the paperwork his dad had copied from Michael. I'm going to go with that he found the copied paperwork. Okay so it wasn't paperwork because his dad has the file. How does Kyle know where they're going or where they are.?.
👽 Isabel is weirded out about sitting in the Jeep with Max and Liz, however Liz and Max don't mind sleeping in the jeep together.👽
I'm having a hard time stomaching Max and Liz right now because the conversations are so intense most of the time. They are so in love with each other that they are so scared of it.
What a sight to walk in on it does look awkward. Max you wouldn't have to clean up Michael mess if you would just listen to what he says and try to understand. Of course Kyle has to walk in I thought the exact moment how in the flip do he know exactly where they were. I can't believe Michael just tossed Kyle across the room like that. Well Michael did give the warning to Kyle to get out twice. Kind of deserve to get tossed like that. Michael was really hot when he gets mad. Max and Kyle fighting over Liz is getting so redundant. I'm finally glad that Kyle got the hint that it's over between him and Liz he was trying so hard to keep hold of them possibly getting back together. Liz is Right Maria and her need to know what's going on they are part of the group. It's so much easier when everybody knows everything because they all can work together as a group no one is left in the dark anymore.
The Jeep doesn't hold five very well Michael is kind of hanging out of it a little bit. Maria walking into that Dome is worried about Michael she has this worried look on her face. Maria encouraging Michael to do try again and it works Maria is Michael's support line. She is standing so close to him. They have this Bond and connection now.
Topolski Master followed Valente. I can't believe she just whacked him in the back of the head again she's a bad guy so of course she would. Of course they're going to end the episode saying to be continued...
💜this is the start of a beautiful love story Beautiful Bliss anks and so much more.. Michael's desperate for a ride that he would take a ride from the person he can't stand the most which is Maria, he is even willing to answer some stupid questions for her.
💜 I love that Michael is just making up these random answers for these questions however I kind of do picture him watching The View. Michael is so lame can't even help because of his bad back what a lame excuse. I will. Michael attempts to borrow steal Maria's car. Maria changing from being kidnapping to abducting cracks me up lol.
💜 Maria is not very subtle when she trying to talk to Liz without Michael knowing. I can't believe he just threw Maria cell phone out the window like that.
💜 Maria is so irritated Is Michael right now. She Rambles every time she's around him it's out of nervousness. It's cute and adorable. Maria is complaining a lot not fully understanding why Michael is doing what he's doing, but once she realizes what he's doing she understands him a little bit more. I think that this is the moment where Maria See's Michael In a Different Light. Michael is surprised and stunned of the Ridiculousness that is coming out of Maria's mouth while she's talking to the police officer he doesn't think this BS story is going to fly with the officer. Michael is shocked that the officer bought that lame story. [ here's a little oops in the scene...in one angle Maria has the seat belt on another angle she does not]
💜 what does he mean when he says don't tempt me after Maria says will you just do something go. The way they get mad at each other is priceless chemistry is just that good. Even though Michael can't control his powers he tries to fix Maria's car for her, just to shut her up. That is too cute. The way Maria says and so do you cracks me up after Michael says your car sucks. He just tottaly humiliated himself in front of her. him knowing that he wasn't able to use his powers to fix the car because he can't control his powers and he tries anyway speaks volumes. Maria needs to take a chill pill. After spending all that time with Maria in the car I don't blame Michael if he went out to get a drink.
💜The Aladdin room looks so sketchy I wouldn't stay there I would have rather stayed in the car. Michael is Right Maria has been acting like a princess this whole time. Michael mounts something but I can't read what he saying( if anyone can read lips please tell me what he saying) Michael's Human Side registers that Maria is uncomfortable it doesn't feel safe. Now he feels the need to make her feel comfortable safe and okay. His Human Side is kicking in.
💜 Maria wondering what kind of urges he gets cracks me up. Michael is standing a little too close to Maria when he says not even if your last woman on Earth. If they were standing any closer they would be kissing. This is the moment where they start connecting with each other when they start working on the project answering the questions Michael reveals a little layer of himself. This is the moment their relationship changes little Sparks are happening. They're getting to understand and know each other. They have something in common they both thought the same thing" there's gotta be something better out there for me then Roswell New Mexico".( I'm yelling at my TV kiss each other already) because they totally want to but right now is not the right time for that.
(I love Michael and Maria's banter back and forth in this episode)
Well you guys that's the end of the episode I had fun I hope you had fun I'll see you on the other side.
Quote of the episode" not if you were the last woman on Earth.... not if you're the last alien on Earth
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Up next : river-dog
Edit NOT mine
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