#i'm gonna say fuck it and have a bright pink buzzcut (i hope)
bubacorn ยท 2 months
My mother always says she wishes I would let my hair grow back out. I've had it akin to a military crew cut for two years after I had a breakdown from stress and cut almost all of it off. I don't always get it right, sometimes it looks funky cuz I cut at the wrong angle. But it's my hair. I'll do what I want with it. And if someone says it's ugly, sure it's their right to have that opinion, but they just sound like a dickhead cuz it's not something of theirs to control. If you want to cut your hair, buzz it off, dye it, it's yours to do what you wish. No one has the authority to stop you, and if they say it's ugly they can eat shit, too.
You are not lesser for wanting to ask other people what they think, sharing is a feature of being human. It's on the other person if they're gonna be mean about it.
I don't know what your hair looks like, but I know it looks good however you want it ๐Ÿ’œ
their words/opinions usually don't stop me, i've been coloring and cutting my hair in not so conventional (at least around here) ways for years, but it still can hit hard. like, i just want to maybe be told that it suits me or that it looks nice once in a while and not be repeatedly reminded that i will never be the perfect person they have envisioned me to be. problem is, almost everyone around me shares their opinion and thinks that how i look and want to look is weird and unusual (in a bad way). it's just the whole don't go to the hardware store for oranges thing. and they don't see how they're being really fucking rude and i can't say anything because 'i'm just being too sensitive', and 'they didn't mean it like that' (i don't know how else i'm supposed to interpret what they said)
thank you so much, love, even though i don't know you, i really appreciate your ask and your kind words! ๐Ÿซ‚ i hope you're doing well and having a wonderful day! ๐Ÿ’–๐ŸŒป
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