#i've always had a huge fascination with games that let you climb big stuff
masteraqua · 3 months
Hope you enjoy shadow of the colossus! It looks so much fun
oh thank you! i've wanted to play it for a long time and my brain synapses finally fired correctly for it to happen :)
i actually have kind of a funny story about my first experience with it. i was at a friend's house when i was probably 11-ish and i saw her dad play a bit of it, but i got my wires seriously crossed and spent the next several years thinking it was god of war
i didn't figure out that it wasn't until i played god of war myself and learned it was nothing like i thought lmao. and i didn't find out what this ACTUALLY was until the sotc remake put it back in the public eye. the opening shot of all the idols inside the temple stuck in my brain all that time and a missing puzzle piece fell into place when i saw it again
so here's to baby caitlin! she was a little confused but she's got the spirit
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