#i've been lurking around since the soon death of twitter
cheapcookiez · 1 year
i just happened to think of you for the first time in like five years so hi 👋
Bro, i just happened to check my Tumblr for the first time in 5 years as well.
so hi 👋👋👋
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I've been following you on here pretty much since you started blogging and I just found out I've also been following you on Twitter without realizing it 🤣
People say Tumblr is just as bad as Twitter, what's your opinion? I lurk on both, but I feel like I see a LOT more firsthand craziness on Twitter, but mostly responses to craziness (usually from Twitter) on Tumblr.
Do you think the vibe on Tumblr is gonna change if Twitter dies?
Lol it's like the deck of the digital Titanic over there... Everybody's scrambling to consolidate their mutuals, get their new SM profiles out and get their parting shots in
I had some friends point out that I mostly successfully lurked on Twitter and then when everyone was sharing their tumblr/insta links with their moots for the possible digital titanic (lmfaoo! Love that) of Twitter, I figured I would too. And they then said it was like I just did a face reveal. The shock some people had 😅🤣 and now I'm feeling a little exposed on Twitter. Lol but that's okay, I'm deleting the post later so the few who saw it, yay. Let me know if we are moots or not anon and if you want to be lol
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I don't think Twitter is actually going anywhere anytime soon. I don't think it's going to capsize on us like Titanic, although the amount of panic over it right now is very Titanic 🤣 I think it's going to be a slow painful agonizing death that gets drawn out. Lol unfortunately. Maybe Elon can pull his head out his ass long enough to ask for help and maybe it can be turned around
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Tumblr has survived through every time people thought the site would go down. It survived through every other social media crash. It's adapted, overcome, and gone straight back to its own specialized verison of a hellsite as it always has. At least, from my experience. Lol it'll probably be an adjustment period. Especially as people from Twitter try to bring Twitter culture over onto tumblr and have it not work quite as well. But I think overall it'll be fine. The nice part in MY experience with tumblr is that what you see is VERY easy to curate. You only have to see things from blogs you follow or tags you follow. You can block out specific words or tags if you want so that even if you get asks, you won't get some with certain words in it. Or you won't see posts with certain words or tags in it. Whereas on Twitter, even if you curate your timeline very well, it's still super easy to stumble across alot of drama and hate. Now, I mostly only find that on tumblr if I go looking for it, if it gets sent to me in DMs or a troll shows up in my ask box. And I haven't even blocked any tags, just a few accounts here. I will say, for anyone new from twt, enjoy learning tumblr. I've been here for a while, have only been blogging for little over a year though, but I still don't always know or understand what I'm doing or how it works. Lol good luck!
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Anyways, if you found me on Twitter with my little announcement to my moots. No you didn't 😅 lol keep it to yourself, but feel free to DM me, talk to me, or engage with me over there as well. I'm pretty chill over on Twitter honestly, but I enjoy it still! I'm still jikook focused over there, but much more of just a bts account too.
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