#i've found empty assassin snail shells
ulkoillafish · 2 years
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An assassin snail baby!
(Not an easy one to spot when they aren’t moving but see north from the algae control crew xD)
I’m hoping I’ll get a population of assassin snails in my tank. Some food gets stuck in the floating plants and feeds the population of pest snails. It’s not a big population but I don’t precisely love the look of ramshorn and bladder snails, so I’d prefer if there were more assassins to eat them.
Since the rescape the bladder snail population has actually gone down quite a bite, but you don’t have to search for long to find an ramshorn...
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jayce-space · 7 years
so ive had a nitrate spike in my tank. it's been 40-80 ppm the past few days (was at 5ppm 1.5 weeks ago) but ammonia + nitrite are 0 ppm. I've been doing 20-30% water changes daily as well as gravel vac-ing thoroughly. I've had a lot of plants die lately so ive been picking them out as I go. but today i found 1 assassin snail shell empty, obviously he died & another floating but body is still in the shell. did they die bc of nitrate or is the death the cause of the spike? what else should i do?
Snails I find it hard to pin point why they die. But depending on the tank size and stocking they could have taken part in the spike. If it's that high I suggest just doing 2 50 percent water changes in the same day and retesting. Make sure to clean up the substrate. You have to be persistent.
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