#ic: Compromise & Justice (Calista)
nieithryn · 4 months
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@valorums asked: ❓ / first word for the first word Calista thinks of when she thinks of Shi'al
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It's with a warm, soft smile that the Senator looks up and smiles. Shi'al?
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nieithryn · 4 months
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@prodijedi asked: [ nightmare ] Dooku wakes [CALISTA] up from a nightmare
It was so cold. The winter had settled on this world firmly, and the chill cut through his robes. The camp of Mandalorians below hardly seemed like the sort of force that would do the sorts of things they were accused of, but he had been wrong before...but there was something wrong. Something in the Force felt off, something was- He reached to get Dooku's (Papa...papa please...) attention, though Vosa (Komari? What are you doing!?) was already speaking, challenging, and suddenly a shout- the Mandlaorian's leader had arrived, Fett he thought his name was - and the Force exploded into motion around them. The battle had begun.
A low, keening noise escaped the padawan, red hair soaked in sweat. It was hardly the first nightmare, and would likely be far from the last, but it was...consuming. The incomplete impression of a memory that had shot down the length of their shattered, shredded Bond to wrap around the only surviving half. The fingers of it closed tight around her very soul, the rending wounds bleeding tears of agony onto her pillow as she dreamed. A truth that was not true...a truth that was all too true.
It was so cold. His lightsaber was out of reach...not that he could have used it. He was choking on blood. He could have laughed; he had only been brought for his negotiating skills...not for his bladework. It was so cold. He was dying. (He was dying! No, that could not be!) It was...so cold.He was dying.... (Master? Master!?)
She woke screaming.
A bone-deep chill had taken hold of her, delicate fingers grasping with shocking strength to the thing around her. The shaking of her hands was almost violent, the look in her crystal blue eyes wild. Unseeing, her gaze wandered the rooms that - until recently - she had shared with her Master, and now were her sole domain until her grieving was manageable. Then they settled, uncomprehending, on a barren piece of wall.
Slowly, she became aware that the thing she was grabbing (knuckles white, fingers more like claws, clutching as if she might drown if she let go) was a familiar, warm presence. Slowly, she became aware that it was her father. At the edge of her awareness, she thought she could hear (feel?) the deep, smooth rumble of his voice.
It took her long, long moments to fall against her father's chest, heaving in breaths. Tears were flowing from her eyes, unnoticed. Her shoulders shook.
When she finally spoke, her voice came raw and weak, as if she had been screaming a long time. It came flat, as if all the emotion had drained out of her. It came tired, as if she had not been sleeping mere seconds (only seconds?) ago.
"...th-thank you, Papa..."
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nieithryn · 4 months
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@valorums asked: "It's a pleasure to meet you."
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"The pleasure is mine, Lady Valorum. I have been told much about you."
A break for lunch from her committee meetings was usually a welcomed respite from the droll proceedings, but today the Chancellor had requested a meeting with her during the break. A warm, pleasant lunch had been offered in apology, and she had graciously accepted.
The discussions of policy - the growing distrust of the Senate in some of the Mid Rim worlds was becoming concerning, and the discussions were becoming grim as the Trade Federation increasingly added fuel to that fire.
It was as she was leaving the Chancellor's office that she caught sight of the young girl, and it didn't take the Force to feel the warmth and love that radiated from Finis Valorum at his daughter's presence. Introductions aside, Calista couldn't help but smile at the girl.
"I hear you are a skilled ballerina," she added warmly, head tilting in genuine curiosity.
The Committee could wait on her a few minutes.
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nieithryn · 4 months
“   you’ll  feel  better  if  you  talk  about  it .   i’m  here  to  listen .   ” [CALISTA]
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Senate meetings were a constant source of irritation, and to an extent, Calista was glad of the reprieve. While the War had angered and frightened her on many levels, she had to admit: being able to duck out of a Senate meeting, no longer tied to her seat by her Senatorial duty...well, it was a small silver lining.
Idly, the former Senator removed her spectacles, rubbing the bridge of her nose with a faint grimace.
Were she a part of the Senate...the way they spoke of the clone troopers, the way they brushed their humanity aside like they were chattel, like hounds bred for war and death and service only. As if they were not themselves living, sentient beings, who deserved the rights of any other...
She could feel the dull anger of the Coruscant Guard members stationed outside the Chamber. Still fever-hot, but dulled from long exposure. They were used to hearing this argument over funding...and their anger was feeding into her own.
Calista sighed, taking a deep breath and turning to start back to her office. She had work to do, after all, and surely the Count had some new mission or message for her. Her father usually did, knowing she would advance Serenno's interests before the Senate, even if she did not support his war. But there was plenty for the diplomat from the Confederacy to do, and a good cup of tea would-
In spite of herself, the voice pulled her from her thoughts, and the older woman smiled at the younger.
"Am I so obvious?" she hummed, blue eyes brightening a little as she motioned down the hall to her offices. "My apologies, Shi'al. I'm afraid I simply have a lot on my mind, and no patience for the Senate today."
A warm smile found it's way to her lips, and she stepped fully into the hall to motion down towards her offices. "I would take conversation of a more pleasant topic, if you would like to join me for a cup of tea in my office."
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nieithryn · 4 months
❝ don’t be afraid. come closer. ❞ [CALISTA]
A delicate tipping of her head was all the Master gave to the elder Serenno at first, before an elegant brow rose. She remained where she was for a long moment, taking him in with thoughtful eyes. Then, deliberately, she obeyed, stepping to his side as she looked up at her father.
He towered over her, but that was no real feat. His features were as noble as they had ever been, if not more so. His eyes were different than she remembered, but that was perhaps to be expected. He was older - weren't they both? - and he looked more tired.
She had been so happy to hear of his return, despite the circumstances. She had wanted to see him, speak to him, as soon as could be arranged...but she had waited until he had summoned her. She had hoped that, if it were on his terms, it might help him. She still hoped that was the case. Calista hadn't wanted to push him to see her before he was ready, though perhaps it had come off more as fear than she had meant it to. There was trepidation, of course, but...well. Surely that he could forgive her for? Given all that had happened, his seemingly abrupt departure...she could admit the slight nervousness to herself. Not out of fear of him, but out of fear of how things might have changed.
It was a strange thing, to be nervous of seeing her father.
The heartbeat's pause passed, and slowly, almost in spite of herself, Calista felt the corner of her mouth start to curl into a smile. She had missed him. And he had finally wanted to see her...and if her respectful trepidation had been read as fear, she could apologize for it now. She could speak to him now. And she did.
"I have never been afraid of you, Father. If my actions of late have made you believe so, then I must offer a heartfelt apology." Her smile grew, softening even as it did, and she offered a respectful bow to her senior. She was not yet sure if she dared do more than that, even if her own uncertainty made her want to laugh. Was she too proud to give her father an embrace? She did not think so, but she would hold off for now.
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