#idk just thinking about marvel and dc and stuff but like... social views of jews as a whole
rotzaprachim · 1 year
i think one of the lingering aspects of antisemitism in media is the whole idea of jewish culture as something not only so specific that goysiche audiences aren’t interested but outright lurkingly suspicious so that jewish culture can’t be shown. the range of possible cinematic jewishnesses is narrow - a menorah, maybe, or someone saying I’m jewish but maybe in response to a joke. no prayers in hebrew, no davening or brachot, no non-joke casual uses of yiddish or ladino or arabic or hebrew in spoken dialogue, nothing that uses yisrael or yerushalayim or tzion because What if the audience took thousand-year old concepts far older than modern nationalisms and punched it through that lens and it was Suspicous? no casual references to the ways in which jewish people and communities might organise their lives in ways that might be different. no mezuzot, havdallah, kiddush cups, jewish cultural and social and political organisations, kabbalat shabbat, scenes with tallises and kippot, nothing that might inconvenience the narrative, no passover cleaning or sitting shiva. just... a lot of the aspects of culture and communal organisation are to specific, too in-group, to lingeringly not normal to show. but too outright sus, y’know? 
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