#idk the weather nerd in me is saying not that unusual or weird
fulokis · 3 months
Like I understand that they’re using a massive unusual storm as a plot device (they get bonus points for mentioning the nws and wind shear) but like that just seems like a pds thunderstorm, and I get storm getting restless by it but it just seems weird to me how they went about it.
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
RS: | Is Anyone Here not Enthralled by the Battle Talk | ? |
ID: yo.
RS: | Because | Heavens | I know I'm Not |
RS: | How Did That Even Start | ? | =:1 |
ID: i hit things until they stop moving, don't need to talk about it. =:I
ID: nerds. that's how.
VA: I Think iT sTemmed frŏm Talk abŏuT The upcŏming fair
RS: | Yes | Haha | That's about All You Need to Do | Isn't It | ? | RS: | Or Hit Them Hard Enough You can Abscond |
ID: i mean. i always hit them until they stop moving but absconding works for you so rock it.
ID: don't need to read about armies to figure out how to cull a troll. =:/
VA: Survival is The mŏsT impŏrTanT parT anyway
RS: | Haha | Well | I don't Always Abscond | RS: | Just | Mostly | It's a Little Pointless to Actually Fight People |
RS: | Never Mind | Cull Them |
ID: hey you take that back. =:P
RS: | Haha | Me | or VA | ? |
RS: | Survival is Important | ! | =:B |
ID: well i meant you but i guess i can fight survival too.
VA: I dunnŏ, survival is preTTy alrighT
LL: That's what I keep SAYING, tbh! LL: Like, everyone's on about fighting with STICKS and I don't GET why you don't just go and pick up a GUN.
VA: WaiT why are yŏu here
VA: Yŏu're Teal
LL: Insider secrets??
ID: fucking hell we're under attack.
LL: Also I'm moirails with ID.
ID: ...other id.
LL: The REAL one, not the dude that won't fight with a gun.
VA: ŏh, ThaT's beTTer Than The answer I was expecTing
ID: i have psi, i am the gun!
LL: IDK, I was just CURIOUS.
LL: Oh, shit.
LL: See, that actually makes SENSE!
VA: I dŏ jusT fine wiThŏuT ŏne
LL: Yeah, I was just CURIOUS about why there's a LOWBLOOD channel. LL: I can only see it like HALF the time anyways, I think the OTHER mod keeps kicking me.
LL: Yeah, but, like do you FIGHT people with guns?
LL: Bc if so: BADASS, tbh.
RS: | I have Contemplated Firearms on Occasion |
VA: I mean, I have
RS: | They're very Efficient |
LL: ^^^^
RS: | | Also | Dramatic | Haha |
ID: i fight everyone.
ID: but when you're reaching for your gun you're fucked!
RS: | You can Do All Sorts of Tricks with Them | ! | More Glamorously than With Psi | Hadean | =:P |
VA: BuT I have mŏre use fŏr a differenT kind ŏf weapŏn
ID: i can do anything with my psi that you can do with a gun. =:P
LL: How's that different from reaching for a SWORD?
RS: | Well | Yes | RS: | But When You are Using Your Psionics | There's Always a Bit of a Pause | Isn't It | ? |
ID: depends?
RS: | Can You Spin It Sixty Times in a Minute | ? |
ID: ...depends?
RS: | Er | That is to Say | You Said You can Copy Any Trick with a Gun | With Your Psionics | RS: | And I Sincerely Doubt You can Spin Your Psionics | =:P |
ID: jokes on you. =:P
LL: Psi's pretty COOL, tbh. My ID's got some sick pink psionics going on, they look pretty EPIC. LL: But I'm pretty sure I could get any psion with a BULLET in the PAN before they could crush me with their SPONGES or whatever it is they do.
LL: And, LOL
LL: RS has a POINT!
ID: is that id just. the telekinetic kind? stock psi model?
LL: Are there different KINDS?
VA: LŏTs
ID: ahahah.
LL: Oh, shit. I thought it was just, like LL: COLORS
ID: you innocent teal child.
ID: fuck no!
ID: i can't lift shit with my mind!
VA: I knŏw a guy whŏ can breaThe fire
LL: I mean, I know CERULEANS got weird shit, and CLOWNS have emotion stuff.
RS: | Your ID has pink psionics | ? |
LL: Whaaaat
TC: Fuck clow~s
LL: And I GUESS, RS. They're not, like, PINK pink.
LL: More like magenta?
LL: Does that MEAN something??
VA: Dŏes iT?
ID: fuck if i know. mine are usually just plain ol dark maroon.
RS: | Hahaha | It Means He has a Great Deal of Misfortune | in Both His Naming | and His Colours | =:B |
LL: What's THAT mean?
RS: | The Colours don't Mean Anything | RS: | Mine are White | ! |
LL: Why's that mean he's UNLUCKY, though?
VA: Iunnŏ, because magenTa is a high-visibiliTy cŏlŏr?
LL: Huh! LL: That's TRUE.
LL: ... He, like, works in an OFFICE, though. LL: I'm p sure it doesn't really MATTER.
RS: | Oh | RS: | I knew a Troll | named ID | with Similar Coloured Psionics | RS: | And | He's Dead | That's All | ! | RS: | It's an Unfortunate Coincidence | =:B |
RS: | That's All |
LL: Man, that's bad VIBES.
RS: | Isn't It | ? | RS: | Yours Sounds More Reputable | Though | ! | Offices are Nice | RS: | Hardly any Culling There |
LL: Besides, ID's just his HANDLE, not his NAME.
TC: Awkward
ID: boringgg.
VA: ThaT is an unfŏrTunaTe cŏincidence
LL: Dude, fake ID, if YOU had pink psi you'd be freaking, don't even FRONT.
ID: offices btw, not culling of friends.
LL: Oh, mb.
RS: | Hahaha | Not a Friend | Thankfully | RS: | And | Yes | But | On Less Superstitious Topics | RS: | | VA |
RS: | and | TC |
TC: What
RS: | What Colour are Your Psionics | ? |
RS: | Since ID and I | have Already Shared | ! |
ID: va is a flatscan.
TC: They do~'t have a color.
VA: I dŏn'T have any
RS: | We are Educating LL | So | RS: | | Oh |
TC: ! just touch th!~gs
RS: | I'm Sorry to Hear That | ! |
TC: A~d the~ they just - do the th!~g
RS: | Oh | The Thing | ? |
ID: ps pheres most flatscans don't like to be told i'm sorry about them being flatscans.
VA: Eh, iT happens
VA: IT wŏulda made wŏrk easier, buT I wasn'T sŏ lucky
LL: Dude, I don't have psi, and it's no big DEAL.
RS: | Oh | ! | Well | Ah |
LL: Besides, don't you, like WRECK with WEAPONS like you were on about?
RS: | I Apologise | VA | RS: | Even if You Don't Mind |
ID: ahahah you're teal.
LL: I still think my guns're LOADS better.
ID: of course it's not a fucking big deal.
TC: ! speed the decay t!me of objects, RS
VA: IT's differenT fŏr lŏwblŏŏds T'nŏT have psii
ID: eww tc.
RS: | If It Helps | My Psionics are Hardly Worth Having | Haha | RS: | They're Barely There | Really | ! | I Spark a Little More than LL | Maybe | =:) |
TC: Shut up !D
ID: man when did it turn in to psionic share hour.
ID: because it is ll. you have value in society other than being a psi.
VA: Because sŏ many ŏf us Dŏ have psii, ThaT Thŏse whŏ dŏn'T are kinda unusual
RS: | When You Failed to Give a More Engaging Topic | RS: | Than the Murder Hour Happening in the Main Lobby |
LL: IDK, I think it's pretty COOL. LL: I didn't even know you could DO shit like mess with TIME.
RS: | =:P |
LL: That's HELLA trippy.
AC: .u. it happens
AC: some psiionics are very strange
LL: Oh, shit, it's the sorry guy.
LL: Hey, what's UP?
RS: | ? | ? | ? |
ID: okay, better subject than psi!
ID: is every loser here going to the fair?
VA: Aye
ID: no nerd history talk allowed in your answer.
AC: Ø .u. the nice weather, there are some very pretty clouds overhead. Ø
LL: NAH, but only to the LOSER part.
TC: !'m go!~g to k!ck AH's ass
AC: Ø I keep trying to find lusus shapes in them Ø
LL: Is EVERYONE gonna go fight?
TC: Yes
VA: I'm gŏnna sell weapŏns and armŏr
LL: And shit, u rite, AC
LL: u rite
ID: wait which one is ah.
AC: Ø I'm going with Pheres Ø
TC: The blue o~e
AC: Ø To help him sell stuff! Ø
ID: oh gliese.
LL: Oh, the one that's got a halberd up her WASTECHUTE.
ID: don't fight gliese gliese is my cheerleader.
LL: Dude, TOTALLY fight her.
ID: i need her waving pompoms for me and shit.
VA: FighT her
ID: ye olde medieval cheerleader.
LL: What if I wave the pompoms?
AC: Ø .n. gosh, everyone always mentions Gliese but I've never met her Ø
TC: !'m go!~g to punch them !~ the gut t!l they vom!t l!ke RR d!d earl!er
AC: Ø maybe that's a good thing though? Most people don't seem to like her. Ø
ID: you don't even know the routine ll.
LL: I can make a BETTER one, DUH.
RS: | Haha | AC | Be Glad |
ID: tc no fighting gliese.
RS: | Was She Dreadful to You | LL | ? |
LL: And idk, AC, I kinda LIKED her until she started being SHITTY for, like, NO REASON!
TC: Shut up !D
AC: Ø Oh, that's too bad .n. Ø
AC: Ø I hope she wasn't too awful Ø
LL: Like I ASKED what her issue was and she wouldn't even SAY.
AC: Ø .n. Ø
ID: seriously. no fighting gliese.
VA: She's jusT anŏTher blueblŏŏd
LL: It's, like, if you're gonna be WEIRD, at least OWN it.
RS: | Oh | That's Unfortunate | I'm Sorry |
TC: St!ll go!~g to f!ght her
RS: | | Hadean | Ah | Are You especially Fond of Her | ? | RS: | I wasn't Aware |
LL: It's NBD but I'm TOTALLY cheering for TC.
ID: i said no fighting gliese. got a problem with it, take it up with me at the fair. and i will dissuade you.
AC: Ø .n. Ø
ID: she fed me.
AC: Ø Um Ø
ID: that buys my loyalty for like. a perigee.
LL: Dude, I will buy you a food TRUCK.
TC: !'ll f!ght you too
VA: Have sŏme mŏre pride
AC: Ø Who's everyone friendly with though? Ø
ID: come at me tc. make sure you can't rot shit ever again.
RS: | Heavens | Am I Expected to Feed You at the Fair | ? | RS: | Because | If So | RS: | I suppose You should Tell Me Your Coffee Preferences |
VA: I dŏn'T mind mŏsT ŏf Th'lŏwblŏŏds I've meT
AC: Ø .u. Pheres makes good coffee Ø
LL: I'm friendly with YOU, I think. >:D And ID, obvi. My ID, I mean. LL: IDK. LL: I guess I'm here to make FRIENDS.
ID: i don't drink coffee.
RS: | Why Not | ? |
ID: does nothing for me.
TC: Fuck!~g come at me
LL: Mine all up and SPLIT or DIED, so I don't, like, KNOW anyone anymore.
AC: Ø .n. that's really sad Ø
RS: | Oh | That's Unfortunate |
ID: i'm telling you to come at me tc.
AC: Ø I really hope you make lots of new friends!! You seem really energetic and fun. Ø
ID: you wanna fight gliese, you fight me first.
RS: | Come to the Fair | and Visit with Maidel and I | RS: | And Hadean | RS: | I am Sure We Can Direct You towards People You are Suited For |
RS: | Assuming Hadean is Not Busy Fighting | the Entirety of the Fair |
LL: THANKS, I think!
ID: glad we got that settled!
AC: Ø Yes! Come visit our booth. ^w^ Ø
RS: | Aren't You Saving Yourself for Emerel's Fight | Hadean | ? | Haha |
LL: And HELL yeah. I'll bring you a SWORD and shit, even. LL: Since you all are into that shit.
MN: ;)
AC: Ø .n. you think? I really meant to be nice. Ø
TC: !'ll take a sword
RS: | Oh | ! | Yes | Please Do |
ID: i mean like i need my all to fight punching bag.
RS: | Come Buy a Sword | TC | I sell Hundreds | =:B |
LL: Dude, I only got ONE sword, sorry.
MN: you should dEfinitEly buy a sword from .PHERES.
RS: | | Not Hundreds | I think I Only Have Thirty on Hand Right Now | Actually |
ID: got plenty in reserves to fight tc!
VA: I'll meeT y'all fŏr a drink if y'wanT
LL: 31, now!
ID: and ll if she really wants to fight gliese.
VA: RS are yŏu a blacksmiTh?
LL: Hell no, I ain't fighting anyone unless they take a swing FIRST.
LL: Then I shoot 'em in the HEAD.
RS: | Haha | No | I am Not | ! | RS: | I am |
MN: whoa whoa whos fighting .GLIESE.
RS: | Um |
ID: great. noted ll.
TC: !'m mak!~g a 'Let's f!ght AH' Group, who wa~ts !~
ID: no one is fighting gliese.
ID: unless they fight me first.
MN: sorry but .I.m obligatEd to bE on .GLIESES. sidE for this onE so
TC: !'ll host the meet!~gs to pla~ !t
RS: | Emerel |
RS: | Really | ? | Haha |
MN: wEll who ElsE will watch star wars with .ME.
ID: yeah he and gliese are star wars nerd buddies too.
AC: Ø .u. those are fun movies Ø
AC: Ø I prefer the books though Ø
AC: Ø So much extra cool stuff! Ø
MN: .I. dont haVE timE for thE books usually
AC: Ø That's fair! I mean, some of them aren't very well written. .u. Ø
AC: Ø Oh! It's about trolls rebelling against a fake, usurping Empire. .u. Ø
AC: Ø And restoring peace to the rightful one. Ø
RS: | Haha | Well | I Suppose I can't Object to Movies |
LL: Is it, like, all POLITICAL, or is it the COOL kinda rebellion?
AC: Ø It's kind of cheesy, but it's fun Ø
MN: rEally though MN: whosE thE rEal monstEr hErE whEn you brEak it down
RS: | Star Wars is a Film with Fantastic Fashion |
AC: Ø It's super cool! They blow stuff up and there's aliens and it's fun. Ø
RS: | That is What It Is |
MN: hEy .PHERES. wanna cosplay as stormtroopErs
AC: Ø And some of them have really cool weapons and psiionics! Ø
MN: complEtE with aiming skills
LL: I'm there for the blowing up and the ALIENS
LL: FASHION'S alright, I GUESS, but that's, like, not MY thing.
AC: Ø There's lots of aliens. .u. I'm kind of surprised the Empire let a film be made with so many alien characters! Ø
AC: Ø But I'm glad they did, a lot of the aliens are really weird and interesting looking. Ø
ID: i mean i wear a t-shirt and jeans every day of my life so. what's fashion.
RS: | Unfortunately | I am Matching with Maidel | =:( |
MN: it was a timE pEriod whEn wE wErE still ExpErimEnting with moViE ElEmEnts
RS: | But You are Free to Join Us | ! |
ID: except when i'm pheres' booth babe, then i'm wearing. white?
MN: .I.m not wEaring thE dElivEry uniform
RS: | | And | Ah | Hadean | RS: | Don't Forget | I am Dressing You as Well | So | That will Give You Practically a Written Definition of It | ! |
RS: | It Being Fashion |
RS: | Not White |
RS: | | I could Put You in White | Though |
LL: Are you watching at the FAIRE?
ID: i'm fine with not white. =:I
MN: .I. stand by my statEmEnt that whitE sucks
AC: Ø .n. but Pheres looks nice in white Ø
RS: | Hmm | How Pale are You | ? |
LL: White's good if it's the kind that GLOWS at a RAVE.
VA: WhiTe is beTTer fŏr hŏT climaTes
ID: i got plenty of tats. are tattoos fashion.
MN: oh .I. didnt say hE doEsnt look nicE in whitE bEcausE hE doEs
MN: its just a shitty color
LL: Tats are DEF fashion
AC: Ø .u. oh okay - pfff Ø
RS: | White is a Perfectly Good Colour | Emerel | RS: | The Best Colour | Really |
AC: Ø Emerel you're goofy Ø
MN: no it isnt stop that
RS: | But | Thank You for the Compliment | Both of You | =:P |
ID: well pheres i'm partially tattooed.
LL: I'm like 70% sure it's not actually a REAL COLOR.
MN: hE startEd it maidEl MN: with his whitE shirts
ID: so i'm partially always pale.
LL: Like BLACK and WHITE aren't colors, right?
MN: that stick out in thE dark
AC: Ø I guess he did, that's true u.u Ø
RS: | Marvelous | I will Have to Find Something to Show Those Off | Then |
ID: i mean i have them on my chest and back and arms.
AC: Ø Pheres, you started it all, I guess Emerel has a point there. How dare you wear nice shirts. Ø
VA: WaiT, dŏ yŏu have whiTe TaTTŏŏs ID?
MN: wEll that sEttlEs it MN: hadEan is going into this shirtlEss now
ID: well they're not stark white.
RS: | Heavens | ! | RS: | Well | Emerel | Am I at Least Allowed to Wear Terrible Shirts | or | Do I have to Eschew all Shirts | to Meet Your Standards | ? | =:) |
VA: ThaT's a cŏŏl idea. ShiT my nexT ŏne may have Tŏ be whiTe nŏw
MN: .I. could answEr that but wErE in public ;)
LL: I think we're making it WEIRD again.
RS: | Hahaha | Not at All | RS: | Why would You Think That | ? |
ID: warning whtie fades like a motherfuck.
ID: you need to get them redone a lot.
RS: | Oh | Hm |
LL: Because MN totally just was like "Bluh bluh my answer is NSFW, bluh," dude.
RS: | Maybe You would be Well-Suited to Gray | Then | ! |
RS: | | I Mean | RS: | You could Interpret It That Way | RS: | If You are Weird |
AC: Ø .u. I like the shirt Pheres had designed for my uniform Ø
VA: I dŏn'T mind
AC: Ø It's very nice Ø
RS: | But I am Not | RS: | And Subsequently Did Not |
AC: Ø I like the red Ø
LL: There was a WINKY FACE!
RS: | Perhaps He Has Something In His Eye |
MN: ;)))
LL: Oh my god, I hate ALL OF YOU. D:
ID: i know a good guy va. if you can stand fish.
AC: Ø .n. I tried, LL Ø
ID: and him wanting you to smoke questionable herbs with him.
MN: wEll you arE thE onE in .OUR. chat so
LL: AC is my bro and the rest of you SUCK.
AC: Ø nooo, they don't suck Ø
MN: nobodys making you stay ll
AC: Ø they just um Ø
VA: I can fŏr The sake ŏf a gŏŏd TaTTŏŏ VA: My currenT guy is greaT, buT he's Teal
AC: Ø are affectionate Ø
AC: Ø they're very nice .u. Ø
RS: | Oh | Don't Run Them Off | Emerel | RS: | I Like Them | They are Endearing |
LL: And hell no, I'm not going to the chat with AH. LL: She wants my BLOOD.
ID: my guy is great, but he does uh. the thing where they do all the pokes with a hand needle. not a gun.
ID: so it takes for fucking ever.
AC: Ø ...I think she said she left? Looking at her last message. Ø
RS: | My Apologies for Causing You Discomfort | LL | ! |
VA: My arm was dŏne ThaT way
VA: Yeah, Takes a lifeTime and a half
RS: | We will Contain Our Japery | in Light of That | =:B |
LL: I mean. LL: There's nobody in that chat ANYWAYS, and I'm trying to hang out with PEOPLE.
MN: .I.m not MN: just pointing out that thEyrE not actually supposEd to bE in this chat tEchnically MN: so if wErE wEirding thEm out thats thEir fault not ours
AC: Ø beep boop I am secretly a robot. .u. Ø
AC: Ø boop boop whirr Ø
ID: looks good as fuck though!
LL: :\
ID: and i find it helps keep them looking nice longer. could just be my opinion though.
VA: Yeah, my arm was dŏne by an ŏrangeblŏŏd guy in a remŏTe area
MN: maidEl why are you a robot
AC: Ø .n. but I like LL, Emerel Ø
VA: Super greaT guy, I hŏpe he's sTill alive
AC: Ø oh I was just um Ø
LL: I USED to have a tat, but I had to get it get RID of.
AC: Ø I was making a joke, LL said they wanted to talk to people Ø
LL: Omfg
MN: thEn MN: likE ll MN: .I. wasnt tElling you not to maidEl
AC: Ø so I was being not a person a.k.a a robot Ø
RS: | Well | I Mean | They're Teal | RS: | I think They are Technically Allowed to Be Wherever They Want | ? |
ID: well that sucks ll. why?
LL: I TOTALLY didn't get that. LL: RIP, AC can't be my bro anymore. D:<
AC: Ø oh, I just - hahah .u. Ø
LL: JK, dude, don't even FLIP.
AC: Ø discriminatiooon Ø
AC: Ø no, I know you're joking .u. Ø
LL: And damn STRAIGHT I can be where I want! LL: Mostly cos I've got INSIDER CONNECTIONS, though.
ID: and it sucks when an artist dies on you va.
RS: | Robots Deserve the Disease of Friendship | Too | LL | =:B |
LL: And I had to get rid of the tat cos it's a huge, like, ID thing.
AC: Ø I know I'm bad at jokes sometimes but I got that one .u. Ø
LL: My line of work gets you on people's SHITLIST, you dig?
VA: ŏhh I see
ID: hahah. did you get your horns shaved down too?
LL: Yeah!
VA: ThaT's ŏdd fŏr a highblŏŏd
AC: Ø .n. did it hurt? Ø
ID: smart if you want to not be recognized.
VA: ŏr waiT, is iT nŏT ŏdd where yŏu live?
LL: Like a grubfucker!
AC: Ø whoa Ø
VA: Really?????
LL: And it's not THAT odd. I'm not the ONLY one I know, leastways!
AC: Ø you must be really tough! Ø
LL: HELL yeah! >:D
VA: Are yŏu dŏing iT righT?
ID: like. horns and sign and bloodcolor are your biggest identifiers!
LL: I mean, YEAH, but, dude, I had a LOTTA horn to knock off.
AC: Ø dang Ø
ID: so if you want to be sneaky you gotta get that shit taken care of.
VA: My rail shaves his and dŏesn'T geT pain VA: Unless iT jusT sTŏps hurTing afTer a while
LL: ^^^^^
LL: It don't hurt to, like shave 'em down a BIT on the regular, nowanights!
ID: i wonder what would happen if i shaved my floating horn.
ID: huh.
VA: His are like. Two, Three inches Tall
LL: First time when you're chopping off like a whole HEAD'S worth's a different STORY.
VA: AfTer shaving
RS: | Oh | It Hurts like Mad | the First Time You Cut Them Off |
RS: | But | It gets Easier After That | ! |
LL: Also, dude, WTF @ floating horn???
VA: I had nŏ clue. I knŏw iT hurTs like hell Tŏ break a hŏrn
ID: what you don't have a floating horn.
LL: Yeah, see, RS gets it!
LL: No, I got a floating MIDDLE FINGER for that HOOFBEASTSHIT.
AC: Ø I'm glad mine aren't too big. .u. Ø
RS: | Hahaha |
ID: i mean others can back up my floating horn claim.
AC: Ø it's true .u. Ø
RS: | He Does Have One | RS: | It is a Psionic Thing |
ID: all the coolest kids have one.
AC: Ø yup Ø
RS: | And | Be Glad | Maidel | ! | It is a Pain | Unfortunately |
LL: What happens when you're ASLEEP?
AC: Ø Big horns look really impressive but I can believe that. Ø
ID: yeah it keeps going.
LL: Or if someone, like, HITS it?
MN: at lEast your horns look grEat .PHERES.
LL: Like with a BAT or something.
ID: man i don't let people hit my horns.
LL: But what if they DID?
VA: Caring fŏr big hŏrns is hard Thŏugh
ID: i don't fucking know.
LL: It's never EVER happened?
RS: | They Do | But the Neck Pain is Awful | And | You can Never Lie on Your Back| For Starters | =:C |
RS: | And | Oh | Thank You | Em | ❤ |
AC: Ø .N. oh jeez Ø
VA: I shŏuld shave mine acTually...If They grŏw mŏre I wŏn'T be able Tŏ reach The Tŏps
ID: it's kinda a hard target. to hit my middle horn and not hit the main pair.
VA: CŏmfŏrTably
AC: Ø that's awful, Pheres Ø
RS: | Shave Them | VA | Before You have to Cut Them Instead | RS: | And | Haha | That's Why I Keep Mine so Short Now |
ID: wait you're supposed to be able to reach the tips of your horns. missed that memo.
VA: IT's easier fŏr me Tŏ care fŏr Them if I can
RS: | How do You Keep Them Polished | Hadean | RS: | If They are Too Long | ? |
VA: LasT Time my hŏrns were Tŏŏ Tall ŏne gŏT snapped ŏff
ID: polish.
ID: do i look like i have time and money for that.
MN: EVEr triEd making a homEmadE brEw
MN: its not that hard
RS: | | Brew | ? |
RS: | Are You Making Beer Now | ? |
VA: ŏh, hŏw dŏ yŏu make a hŏmemade pŏlish
LL: HELL yeah!
LL: Oh, shit, wait, actual POLISH.
LL: Nm, I've only done SUNSHINE.
ID: i don't bother. my horns stay alright?
VA: Sunshine is greaT Tŏ keep hidden away fŏr a bad nighT
RS: | Oh | You should Get Them Properly Polished at the Fair | ! |
MN: no .I. mEant polish
RS: | They'll Look Lovely | Especially Given Your Length |
ID: i dunno. maybe if i have time to kill.
ID: i don't let trolls touch the headgear too much.
ID: since that's just asking for some middle horn fondling.
LL: Omfg
LL: Dude, he's got a POINT.
LL: I bet someone would just, like, try and MOVE it just to see if it GOES.
RS: | Haha | Oh My | RS: | Heavne Forbid They Touch | Your Mysterious Middle Horn |
MN: gEEz go do your own fondling hadEan
ID: it's the source of my power- stop making it weird.
MN: stop asking the horn polishErs to do it for you
AC: Ø I've never gotten my horns polished before. .u. Ø
RS: | Oh | Really | ? |
MN: .I. haVE no idEa what yourE talking about~
AC: Ø Does it really make them look prettier? Ø
RS: | I'll Do Your Horns | at the Fair | Then |
RS: | It Does | ! | I always Keep Mine Polished | RS: | | Oh | And I'll Sand Them | Too | If You'd Like | ? |
ID: what, no it's not actually my power source.
AC: Ø Oh, that's really nice of you Pheres! Are you sure? .u. Oh, um, if you know best! Gosh, I'm just used to the regular scrubbing and bed checks. Ø
AC: Ø I used to think only highbloods sanded and polished them, hah. Ø
AC: Ø Silly, I know. Ø
RS: | | Or | Well | Hm | RS: | We could Actually Gloss Them | That would Look Nicer | I Think | Given the Angle |
ID: do i get horn service too pheres.
AC: Ø ooh, okay Ø
ID: doesn't your booth babe need to look pretty.
RS: | Haha | Well |
MN: damn .PHERES. bEttEr chargE Extra for that
MN: sorry .I.m going to bEat up your booth babE
ID: attempt to beat me up. ftfy.
MN: will beat you up MN: ftfy
RS: | | I suppose | You will get the Full Horn Service | Hadean | RS: | Heaven Forbid | that You don't Look At Your Best | For Your Fight |
ID: great~ thanks. =:)
RS: | | Do I Get to Do the Middle Horn | Too | ? |
ID: i mean i guess that depends if you can handle some weird sensations.
ID: that sounds wrong-er than it actually is.
RS: | Heavens |
RS: | Hahaha | It only Sounds Wrong | If We do not Pointedly Ignore All Possibility that It Could Be Wrong | =:B |
RS: | Do You Spark if People Touch It | ? |
AC: Ø these aren't the wrongs you're looking for. .u. Ø
AA: yrn wrnongs arne in anothern castle. >:} RS: | Yes | Thank You | Sipa | =:B |
ID: it's kinda like a mild constant shock. hi sip.
AA: sup.
AC: Ø Your wrongs have not been rezzed .u. Ø
ID: fair talk. letting rs get all up on my headgear.
AA: lmfao, wow, phrnasing. AA: arne you gonna let him put beads on yrn horns, tho?? AA: b/c he totally used to do that. >:}
ID: what.
ID: no beads allowed my horns are weird enough. =:I
RS: | He doesn't Have the Grooves for Them | There'd be Nowhere to Hook Them | RS: | Unless We Carved Some In | But | That would Take Ages | Also | Brb | Customer |
AA: ... scrnatch that. no beads. you gonna let him carnve them up?? >:}
ID: hell no, i like my rack as it is. =:I
ID: also do you polish your horns sip. my horns look fine right. because i neglect the fuck out of them.
AA: lameee. why such a cluckbeast, dude?? AA: y, y, beforne fights. not, like, in gen. waaay too much of a bothern. >:} and the polish gets in yrn hairn. grnoss.
AA: and lmao. idk, man, they'rne not, like, flaking, rnight?
ID: i have a floating horn, i don't think my horns need more things for people to look at.
ID: note to pheres when he's back, no polish in my hair if you can.
ID: i mean. no? i never noticed them flaking. =:I
AA: idk, dude, ain't nothing wrnong w/ morne shit to look at. AA: it's what makes you stand out, duh. >:}
AA: have you checked if they'rne flaking??
ID: i think i stand out enough in a crowd already. no beads needed. =:P
ID: how do i check for flaking? not like i can reach most of my rack.
TC: !'ll look at them for you
ID: you won't be looking at anything once i'm done with you. hush up.
AA: rub 'em on a trnee and see if anything comes off?? that's what phern used to do. >:} AA: and lmaooo.
TC: Fuck ~o
AA: wow, hads, she's, like, trnyin' to be helpful. way 2bmean.
ID: i'm supposed to fight her so no she isn't.
ID: i don't know where to find trees in this stupid place.
TC: Shhhh let me help !D
ID: fuck off. =:I
AA: haha, shiiit, how many folks you fighting tonight??
ID: i mean i'm fighting them at the fair. tonight is my night off. i even got a hotel room, i get to use an actual shower. shit's gonna be great.
AA: bump 'em on a carnt, then. >:} orn, like, idefk, anything harnd?? AA: but not T O O harnd, you don't wanna snap 'em. AA: unless horn-grnizzled veternan is yrn aesthetic.
TC: !'m go!~g to shove !D's head u~der a horse wh!le !t takes a p!ss
ID: hmm. first attempt seems to result in no flaking and jeesh tc, gross and desperate.
AA: then yrn fiiiiiiine. they look fine, anyway. >:P AA: why arne you wornrnrying abt yrn horns, anyway?? AA: also, lmao, am i like AA: internrnupting, orn is tc just hella nasty? >:}
ID: so nasty.
ID: and because everyone was talking about horns and polishes and shit. =:I apparently i was the only weirdo not spending hours preening every night. so i want to see what i'm missing out on.
TC: Shut up !D
ID: how about no. and you shut up.
TC: Go fuck yourself
AA: ehh. phern's just a weirndo. he polishes his claws, too, dude. you gonna do that? >:} AA: and hahahaha, wowzerns. AA: tc, bb, calm yrn tits. like, spoilern alernt!
AA: but i am p surne he's just not that into you. AA: orn hornse piss. >:P
TC: AA please, !'m ~ot !~terested !~ h!m
TC: ! just wa~t to see h!m scream a l!ttle
TC: !~ horror
ID: is there any part of your body you can't polish? hey, maybe i'll let him polish my claws if he wants. i can look all shiny and new for like. five seconds.
ID: 1, you're weird, 2, not happening.
AA: n, prnobs not. rnoll arnound in oil and polish A L L T H E B I T S. AA: shit, if you ask, he's prnobs got that glitterny shit you dunk yrnself in.
AA: and - did i alrneady say lmao?? AA: bc lmao, W O W.
AC: Ø Glittery? .u. Ø
ID: i'm good without glitter. but hey. a little pampering never killed a troll, right? right.
AA: y. until you end up, like, in white up to yrn frnonds. >:} AA: and y!
AA: glitterny.
AA: like, y'know, sparnklernocks.
AC: Ø I never realized anyone put glitter on their horns, huh Ø
AC: Ø How long does it stay on? Ø
ID: hey, pheres said no white. and hey, get glittered up if you want ac. have to ask pheres for that info i bet.
RS: | Let Me Duck Over Here | However | ! | RS: | Because | Also | There is the Minor Matter of the Fact | RS: | Throwing Someone's Matesprit into a Conversation Erring on Pitch Flirtation |
RS: | is Not a Typical Means of |- DISSUASION -|
RS: | =:1 |
ID: remember she can usually spy in here.
ID: it totally works. what did you want me to say, stop this is icky? because, uh. definitely still fighting him. don't need to give him ammo.
ID: but scout's honor, definitely not pitch for the guy i couldn't even pick out of a crowd!
RS: | You Literally just Informed Me | That It is Entirely Possible to Tell Someone to Back Off | If They are Making You Experience Discomfort |
RS: | Is that Advice You are Evidently Unwilling to Follow Yourself | ? |
ID: someone you are definitely not going to fight, yeah.
ID: unless you want to fight me.
RS: | Yes | I am Dying to Fight You | You have Cracked The Case |
RS: | =:| |
LL: Dude, ID, it just sounds like you were kinda shoving your CARTILAGE NUB where it didn't BELONG.
LL: Like, this is usually the part where you say sorry and CHILL OUT instead of, like, making a weird THING out of it.
ID: thank you for your totally well informed opinion ll.
LL: I mean, I fuck up shit like that all the TIME.
RS: | Haha | Well | She isn't Incorrect |
LL: I don't KNOW you guys really well, and I don't know what HAPPENED
LL: So maybe PHERES needs to chill, too.
LL: But I'm saying GENERALLY.
RS: | I am Afraid You are Now Less Correct | =:P |
ID: well sorry~ and as for what just happened earlier. i tried to keep my flap closed and you encouraged me! so.
LL: I might be TOTALLY wrong, idk. LL: You guys just seemed kinda way more CHILL earlier, and you're both cool dudes.
LL: So I dunno why it has to be a BIG DEAL.
RS: | It is Not a Big Deal | RS: | I am Not Particularly Affronted | I am Merely Curious | as to What Hadean's Motives are In His Behaviours | That is All |
RS: | And | I Accept Your Apology | Although | I Encouraged You | RS: | Because I Was Not Expecting You to Actually | RS: | | Well | ! | I Thought We were Playing | Joking | Japing | That is All | =:1 |
ID: nope, that was definitely me trying to be nice and keep my flap shut.
RS: | | If You are Trying to Keep Your Flap Shut | RS: | Perhaps You should Not Say | That You are Actively Trying to Keep Your Flap Shut | RS: | Usually | We Simply Keep Our Flaps Shut |
RS: | No Need for Narration | Unless You are Orpheo |
ID: i like narration! and is orpheo the dumpster troll.
LL: He's TOTALLY the dumpster troll.
RS: | Yes | Haha | He is the Dumpster Troll |
ID: do i. want to know why others call him weeds.
RS: | Probably Not |
LL: I mean, guy that talks like THAT, he probably smokes BALES.
ID: well that's a lovely mental image.
RS: | Oh | Come Now | Smoking a Bale is not Historically Accurate |
RS: | I am Sure He Grinds It into a Fine Powder and Puts It in A Pipe |
ID: is that a thing you can do?
RS: | I do not Have the Faintest Idea | Haha | ! |
LL: That is
LL: NOT how you do it.
ID: damn ll you need to teach us clearly.
LL: lol
ID: in case i ever. want to see how well getting high works i guess.
LL: I mean, if you're freaking PULVERIZING IT, you're losing half the good shit! LL: Unless you're the kinda weirdo that goes licking it off the PESTLE, I guess.
ID: heavens forbid.
LL: Shit, I confused which RUSTBLOOD was TALKING for a sec.
ID: how dare you! =:P
RS: | How Very Dare You | =:P |
ID: it doesn't help that we have the same emoticons.
LL: No, dude, keep going, I bet you could do a NUTTY Pheres impression.
ID: i think me and pheres have had enough conflict for the night.
LL: Fair ENOUGH, dude.
ID: besides, pheres is like. one of the three or four trolls on here that hasn't threatened to kill me or wanted to hear me scream in horror or shit so i should be nicer!
LL: Duuuude, wtf?
LL: Don't people come to chatrooms to, like, MEET people to HANG OUT with?
LL: Why is everyone, like, FIGHTING and shit?
ID: i have a charming personality. =:P
LL: I dunno, man, you seem pretty COOL to me!
ID: and told tc no killing gliese. which has forever put me on her hitlist i guess.
LL: Oh, RIGHT, I remember that. LL: I don't get why GLIESE is all het up at me, neither, but I don't want her DEAD.
LL: She's just some RANDO on the internet.
ID: i dunno. something about you and calling the jades fakers. maybe she has a jade quad or something.
RS: | He does have a Charming Personality | And | Oh | She probably got Het Up on Emerel's Behalf |
ID: yeah they do seem close.
RS: | He does Like to Go On about How Unusual Jades Are | RS: | So | She likely Felt Offended at the Implication of | | People Faking Their Caste | ? |
LL: Dude, I've TOTALLY done that before.
LL: It gets you IN places!
RS: | I should Clarify | Hadean | the Charming did not Hold Scarequotes | RS: | Despite Your Many Slights |
RS: | | Should You Admit That Online | ? | Haha |
ID: good to know because i was about to offer to not show my face around you at the faire.
LL: Pffft LL: I mean, it was FOREVER ago. LL: If you wanna call the COPS on me for something I did as a WIGGLER, go ahead, but I bet I got more cop friends than YOU. >:D
LL: Oh, shit, WHAT?
RS: | What | ? | No | Of Course You Should | RS: | Why wouldn't I Want You at the Faire | ? |
ID: because i'm a jerk?
LL: No, dude, we're hanging out and I'm buying you, like. FOOD and shit like you wanted. LL: You can't go avoiding PHERES, though, cos I'm chillin' with him, TOO.
RS: | Oh | You're Aggravating | But You're hardly a Jerk | RS: | And | Besides | I like Sipara Perfectly Well | And | Compared to Her | RS: | You are a Perfectly Docile Meowbeast |
ID: well i mean if food is involved. =:P can i have like. four of those giant gobblebeast legs. those are a thing at faires right.
LL: Dude, if it FITS in you, you can have it. LL: I have, like, WAY too much cash rn, idgaf. LL: Bring your HOLLOW WALKFROND.
ID: and well. yeah. fair. I'm not so aggro i put it right in my tag though! so sip got me beat there.
ID: sweet. =:D jokes on you like 75 percent of me is hollow.
RS: | ! | ! | ! |
LL: Between the floating HORN shit and the weird PSIONICS, I am only like 50% sure you're shitting me, here.
RS: | Congratulations | LL | RS: | I am Fairly Certain | That is the First Time I have Witnessed | an =:D smiley |
ID: oh so if i'm not a stock model psi i'm weird i see how it is.
ID: =:P at you pheres. food'll make anyone smile.
LL: Omg
LL: I made HISTORY, apparently!
LL: >:D
RS: | =:) |
LL: That SUCKS about Gliese, though. LL: Should I, like, TELL her I wasn't calling that guy a FAKER? LL: I was just saying WHAT IF cos people were on about how it was even POSSIBLE and shit. Doesn't mean nothing to me either WAY if a jade's a dude or even a JADE in the first place.
ID: don't let it go to your head. =:P
ID: uh protip: don't defend why you said things when you're apologizing.
LL: Too LATE, dude, my horns already GREW BACK.
RS: | Mm | I would Advise Against Telling Gliese Anything | RS: | But | If You really Wish to Get on Good Terms With Her |
RS: | Just Say that You're Sorry | You were Wrong | and Do not Focus on the Details |
ID: 'sorry, but-' conversations just end in more fighting. so yeah.
RS: | And | Then Move On | While She is Basking in the Feeling of having Socially Bested You |
RS: | She'll Forget about Her Ire | Soon Enough |
ID: yeah definitely do it where others can distract from the conversation.
LL: I guess that makes SENSE. LL: Then how do I know not to do it AGAIN, though?
RS: | Mm | ! |
LL: If I don't ASK.
LL: Not that she wanted to ANSWER, I guess.
RS: | | Ah |
RS: | Just | Watch What She Says | and Make Sure You only Agree With Her | ? | ? |
LL: I mean, I'm gonna just do what you SAID. LL: You guys got your shit resolved really NEAT-like, so you probs KNOW better.
LL: What, like about EVERYTHING?
LL: I don't care THAT much about her!
RS: | Not on Everything | She doesn't Get Aggressive over Everything | I Don't Expect |
RS: | Just the Things that Send Her Off into a Froth |
RS: | I don't Know | I Make Lists | Usually | of Contentious Topics | for the Individual | RS: | You could Do That | =:/ |
ID: no talking about faking or jades.
ID: should cover it.
LL: Ugh. LL: I guess I can TRY that, but if she starts getting WEIRD about shit then I'm gonna STOP.
LL: ID's thing sounds less hard to keep TRACK of.
ID: making a list of topics to avoid for everyone in the chat sounds like a pain pheres.
LL: ^^^
ID: but then i like. can barely remember most of their names so i guess i'm a shitty judge.
RS: | Not for Everyone in the Chat | Haha | RS: | Or | Most People in the Chat | Just | Quadrants | RS: | Close Friends | Enclades |
RS: | | Although | Making Ones for Chat Members does Seem Wise | RS: | Now that You Mention It |
RS: | You should Tell Me about Your Pet Peeves | The Both of You | Right Now | =:P |
ID: is your clade big or anything then? what about you ll?
ID: jeesh pheres put some trolls on the spot.
LL: Mine's pretty SMALL! I just got my best guy and my moirail.
LL: Clydes ain't IN chats like this, though, and ID's the MOD.
LL: And, uhhh
RS: | No | Emerel's Kismesis is Gone | And | He never Let Me Meet Him |- Anyway -| RS: | So | He doesn't Count | Haha | Sipara has Her Ever-Rotating Kismesises | RS: | Riccin is an Old Clademate | But | Ah | The Rest of Them are Dead |
RS: | So | I don't Have to Keep Track of |- THEM -| Anymore | Haha |
LL: I get pissed off when people mess with my PEOPLE! LL: And when they get shirty and then get all CAGEY when I ask what their DAMAGE is. :\
ID: ll a lot of trolls in this chat are gonna annoy you.
LL: Gdi
LL: It's cool, YOU guys can be my bros. LL: And, like, that MAIDEL person.
LL: They're pretty cool.
ID: i cannot for the best of me remember which one maidel is.
ID: dr?
LL: The GREEN one that always says sorry! LL: Olive green, not JADE.
RS: | Oh | ! | Yes | Maidel is Practically Clade |
RS: | She is the Olive Green | Yes | Haha |
LL: Man, there's a lotta sorry GREENBLOODS around.
RS: | It's a Part of the Caste | I suppose | ! | RS: | The Ones outside of the Caverns are not a Very Confident Lot |
LL: Makes SENSE, I guess, if you grew up under a ROCK.
LL: CAVE, whatever.
ID: i kinda avoid talking to her. she seems so easy to set off. and then she leaves and that's no fun for her. =:/
LL: I mean, she should learn to DEAL with it better, then! LL: Like it doesn't matter how NICE people are, they're gonna say something shitty EVENTUALLY.
LL: So you gotte be able to CALL 'em on it or tell them to fuck OFF.
LL: Or have a quad to do it FOR you.
RS: | Oh | ! | Ah | RS: | He is Easier in Person | to Anticipate If He is Upset | ? |
RS: | He is just Very Shy | Mostly | But | Haha | Yes |
ID: i mean i agree but yeah. figure it'd be easier in person.
LL: He??
RS: | | I've been Looking for Her Quadrants | Actually | RS: | I think It would Do Her Good for Her Self-Esteem |
RS: | And | Confidence |
RS: | | He | ? |
ID: you called dr a he. and then a she. confused ll i think.
ID: also ll refresh me on what your name is.
RS: | Oh | They Switch | ! |
RS: | I am not Sure | the Particulars | ? | So | I just Switch | as the Inclination Strikes |
LL: That's CONFUSING as hell.
LL: But WHATEVER, I guess.
ID: means i can't call him/her the wrong gender i guess.
LL: Oh, shit, u rite
LL: Maybe it's LESS confusing, then. >:D
RS: | Hahaha | It is a Socially Fool Proof Strategy | on Her Part |
ID: ll. hand over the name. unless you prefer ll.
ID: but then at the fair people will think your name is ellell.
RS: | If You Prefer LL | That is Fine | Of Course |
RS: | Hahaha |
RS: | One of the Fellows Who Runs It | is Named Elilah |
RS: | LL would Fit Right In | =:) |
LL: Ellell sounds pretty RAD, but I'm BONNIE.
LL: And everyone keeps typing LL all LOWERCASE so it looks like II, ANYWAYS.
ID: bonnie. alright. bonnie is a nice enough name.
LL: Nice ENOUGH? LL: Damn, I SEE how it is! D:<
ID: it's no hadean. =:P
RS: | Hadean | Shame on You |
RS: | Clearly | Bonnie is at Least A Name | of the Top Five Tiers | RS: | Perhaps the Top Eight | ? | At Least the Top Ten | =:) |
ID: aww i'm just joking pheres. bonnie isn't really offended! i think.
RS: | Below Pheres | Of Course | RS: | But | We can't All Have the Best Name |
ID: how do you even pronounce pheres.
RS: | | How do You Think It is Pronounced | ? |
LL: Dude, my skin's not THAT thin, don't even lfip.
LL: FAIR-iss?
ID: fear-ease?
LL: Or, like, feh-ree.
RS: | Close | Haha | ! | RS: | It is | Fuh | like | Furnace | RS: | And then | Reese | like Breeze |
ID: huh. okay. is bonnie like. bunny with an o?
RS: | But | You should Use Fair-Is | RS: | It is Easier to Say |
LL: I'm like 90% sure there's only ONE way to say Bonnie.
RS: | | Isn't it Bonnie | as In |
RS: | She is quite a Bonny Lass | ? |
LL: Yeah!
ID: hey sometimes people have weird ways of saying their name even when it looks easy.
LL: Shit, I lied. It's totes actually, like uh LL: BONE-AI
RS: | Bone Ai |
RS: | Well | It |- IS -| Six Letters |
ID: well then how do you say my name?
RS: | The same Way that Bonnie Does | I Imagine |
RS: | Ha | as in Laughter | RS: | Dee | as in | Ah | Dice | ? |
RS: | Awn | like Dawn |
ID: nah. but that's how like. everyone assumes i'm sure.
RS: | =:? |
RS: | How do You Pronounce It | ? |
RS: | Is It a Standard Name | ? |
ID: i mean what's standard when it comes to names.
RS: | Oh | No | Standard | As In | RS: | Central Continental Standard Alternian Common Dialect |
RS: | You Know | Standard | Haha |
LL: Wait, is that NOT how you say it?
LL: HADEAN, I mean
ID: like...
H as in hi, long a like. base. d as in dye. a as in about. and an n. like. no.
ID: like. hey-de-an?
ID: it's easier to just say and have a troll repeat.
ID: also sorry for the pause, was ransacking the snack bar in the room next to me.
RS: | Hopefully | They weren't In It | at the Time | Haha |
RS: | Hadean is a Pretty Name | Though | ! |
ID: nah, most trolls have cleared out. probably to parties and their loved ones or whatever.
ID: pheres is a nice name too. is the fuh-reese way you say it?
SA: haydee-in, bonny, phair-Rees, was how I was reading them until corrected. You all have such different names.
ID: well what about you sa? what's your name?
SA: I don't remember my assigned name. I go by Prisma.
ID: ...assigned name huh. okay. prisma it is.
SA: don't most trolls have their names recorded by the cavern matrons?
ID: i mean most people don't call them assigned? i don't think?
SA: oh. I apologize, I'm not very familiar with the terms. I am very forgetful.
SA: Hadean?
ID: yeah that's me.
RS: | Oh | I got Distracted | My Apologies | That is How I Say My Name | RS: | And | Hm |
RS: | I don't Know If Names get Assigned | ? | I never Thought About It |
RS: | you Just | You Know | Have One |
SA: I see.
SA: So where did your names come from? Did you just know them at the front of your mind?
SA: That sounded rude, i apologize.
ID: don't lusii do that shit.
SA: I was mostly going off of Pheres's statement.
ID: i dunno. i just know i have a name and it rocks.
SA: Who are you?
ID: oh god it's in here too.
RS: | Oh | I never Asked | RS: | I Grew up in a Hivestem | Haha | ! |
RS: | So | People have Always Used My Name |
SA: Ariste.
SA: I like this one.
SA: I see... That sound different, RS.
RS: | Heavens | You're Enthusiastic | Aren't You | ? |
RS: | And | Haha | Is It | ? | RS: | Where did You Grow Up | ? |
RS: | | Everything | from the Sounds of It | ? |
SA: I meant I liked the name. But the enthusiasm is acceptable too.
SA: I grew up... elsewhere.
SA: It was very private and isolated.
ID: elsewhere is ominous as fuck.
SA: I was raised on a colony. Is that a less ominous answer.
ID: barely.
SA: Ariste thinks it could be fun.
RS: | What Sort of a Colony | ? |
ID: ariste has the intelligence of a sponge.
SA: I don't know how to explain it. I don't recall most of it, either. It was an experimental colony. Scientific.
SA: I suppose that is "fun" in a way.
ID: /oh/.
SA: my name is Prisma, LA.
SA: I am clairvoyant and telekinetic.
SA: I don't read minds. I simply know things.
SA: i msiread, I apologize.
RS: | Oh | ! |
RS: | I Think You are Our First Telekinetic |
RS: | Congratulations | Haha |
ID: nah i don't read minds. but i can sense idiots.
SA: do all of you have psionics...?
ID: i think so.
ID: plenty of trolls.
SA: i like this.
ID: nah, being around you is like trying to spot the stars when the sun is out. your stupidity blocks everyone else.
SA: LA, I think they were being facetious.
RS: | Yes | I think So | ! |
RS: | Er | To the Fact We All have Psionics |
RS: | Not to the Idiots Thing |
ID: i'm fucking adorable as shit.
ID: how about no.
SA: what are you psonics, RS?
SA: look at them. they're bonding.
RS: | Presently | I suspect They are My Ability to Marvel at |
RS: | Well |
RS: | Everything in Here |
RS: | Haha | =:B |
RS: | | Ah | No | But | I can Teleport | ! |
SA: Teleporting... That's an admirable psionic.
ID: marveling at how weird la is you mean pheres.
ID: sure, i'm 2.
RS: | Yes | Yes | That is What I Mean |
RS: | Haha |
RS: | | And | Oh | I don't know If I'd Call It Admirable | ? | It's just a Thing |
RS: | Telekinesis is So Much More Useful |
ID: can you teleport far?
SA: But many psions I've met don't have it. It is unique.
SA: My telekinesis is very weak, right now.
SA: I'd rather teleport.
RS: | Ahh | Define Far | ! |
ID: like. out of sight.
SA: could you jump blocks that way?
RS: | Oh | ! | Probably | Um | RS: | I can Go Up to Fifty Feet | I think | And I've Gone Farther | But |
RS: | It's not Ideal |
RS: | Haha | Too Tiring |
SA: are there any risks associated with it?
SA: and how many sweet broken bones could be received.
AA: | | No Broken Bones | ! |
RS: | And | Um | Not Really | ? | Nothing More than the Usual | ! |
ID: the usual, that's comforting.
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