#if howard hadn't tried to push kim away from jimmy maybe she wouldn't have fixated so intensely on a scam that involved his downfall
debbierhea · 2 years
it’s so funny to see people calling for kim’s death or punishment as if she is solely to blame for howard’s murder. the gag is that no one is wholly to blame for his death !!! no one is wholly to blame for any of it! each individual character’s actions have an effect, large or small, on everything and everyone else in the story. we as human beings are all connected whether we like it or not. and of course these are characters, not real people, and they exist in a story. but this story has been masterfully crafted by people to pose questions, to make us wonder why we feel the way we do about the things that happen. yes, there is blame to be thrown around but to what point is this blame deserved or even true? to what point is this blame fueled by our emotions? by our subjective views of justice and truth and right and wrong? how do we draw the line between us passing judgement on any one character (kim) without engaging in the exact behavior that character used, the very behavior we are condemning—building our own subjective rule book in which to view the world and dole out our own personal versions of justice?
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