#if i get a PC ill have to get deep into the settings and lobotomize the shit out of it
six-of-ravens · 5 months
apparently you can buy a replacement keyboard for a 2015 macbook air for about $60, so if worst comes to worst and the apple store wants to charge me an exorbitant amount, I can attempt surgery.
if that doesn't work, well, I've had this thing since 2017 and it's apparently actually nearly a decade old so. might just have to bite the bullet and get a new laptop. which is not a decision i wanted to make bc costwise (and steam game-wise) i think im gonna have to get a PC next. and I HATE PC SO MUCH. but mac is also. so SO expensive and like half my steam games can't be played on mac anymore.
but also, ideally would not have to buy a new laptop bc that is a credit card bill i will take uh, a few months to pay off. BIG YIKES.
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