#if nadja can open a night club nandor can get into wedding planning business
tuupii · 2 years
Do we know for sure that the wedding episode(tm) is about nandor and marwa? the show has fucked with episode titles and expectations before.
other reasons why im Doubting
nandor complained about marwa being clingy last episode. not smth smn would do who has wedding bells on his mind.
the official summary calls it a vampire wedding. could mean several vampires r involved
nadja's club is still going strong as a plot point. and what do business owners have to deal with?
I feel like nadja needs to marry again to commit tax fraud
we -do- have a promo that mentions polygamy
nandor marrying his wife - broke
nandor marrying nadja to not confront his conflicting feelings about his wife and guillermo (his friend, his Guy, his closest companion for 13 years) - bespoke
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