#if none of the plots be speakin to your soul we can thunk something up
sunburnts · 4 years
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i’m nougat, endured 20 years on this earth, go by he/him and comin a lil late to the party from central timezone with my darling agony bby in tow and i am SO EX CI TED TO BE HERE honestly pls bring upon me all the plots i’m ready for all ur babes. if you like a delicate, optimistic soul who's had a whole identity crisis, lost their sense of self and thensome—- i have A DEAL FOR YOU BELOW THE CUT. you can peep some pre-written plots here & stats here!
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when you picture things that go bump in the night, an immortal being no less, someone who’s a big squishy softie is not what you'd imagine—- but that’s exactly who eden was, at least initially. how they’ve gone from needing a nightlight until they were 14 to a creature of the dark rly requires some backtracking so let’s get to it!
hey isn’t that HAK ‘EDEN’ RYUNMIN, the TWENTY-ONE/FIFTY-NINE year old VAMPIRE that also is an ART RESTORER? i heard they could be LOQUACIOUS but is pretty JADED too. oh, please don’t tell them this but don’t they kind of look like KIM YOUNGKYUN?
tw: parental/familial death ( like.. more than once ;-; )
born in good ol 'straya in devonport on a lovely lil island called tasmania in 1961 to a marine biologist father & seamstress mother. they are settling into a quiet, contemporary life after fleeing their war-torn home country in south korea several years before the birth of their bouncing baby. ryunmin probably would have lived to be a proper gentle soul with a nice, cozy life given how their parents had no shortage of love for each other or them—- only it didn't work out like that, not really.
the untimely passing of min’s mother at 11 puts a screeching halt on the blissful life. their father, wracked with the grief, drops lil ryunmin in the care of their aunt who lives all the way in victoria, bc canada (spoiler alert, he never comes back :/) their aunt has clear bias for her own two sons but she’s a caring woman in her own right. can’t manage to help them with all that grief though. their main solace comes from creating things, a talent they must have inherited from their mother.
they’re on the cusp of 15 when they’re put into foster care after their aunt, already immuno-compromised, had lost her battle with a severe flu and there’s no one else to take care of them. this also means losing their younger brothers along the way. they jump around several foster homes before finally settling into a group home. their warm heart touches the other troubled teens, a willing friend and often spending hours sneaking out to listen to their stories under the stars. a sidewalk surfing teen who got up to some funky fresh adventures and made a ragtag group of friends.
bright-eyed and bushy-tailed @ 19, they’re hopping off on a plane to seoul, their mother’s hometown, in a last ditch effort to kick-start their life on their own terms. WELL. THEY SURE DO EXACTLY THAT but not in a way they’d imagined. they fall in love. head over heels in love with a welsh woman and the rest, they say, is history. she’s a vampire and for a while it’s basically smooth sailing until she’s like ‘be with me forever’ when min is 21 and they are like WOW SURE. bad idea actually cause she leaves them flat on their ass after :/ ( talia i know ur still out there i hope you get drop-kicked while walkin down the street )
the rebirth as eden and kind of a funny homage to where they came from considering the name itself is one talia gave. as far as life as a vampire has gone it’s... messy. fucked off to kazakhstan for several years, did a lot of soul-searching— they can write a goddamn book abt what it’s like to come out of the ashes of yourself so many times. their descent was less like a sudden plateau and more like tip-toeing down a slope and once they lost a foothold they jus.. went tumbling. still probably better off than some mega hag vamps out there in the fact they are very tethered to humanity but hey that’s the way the immortal cookie crumbles
the extras
trying their goddamn best ok.. their cards were not at all groovy or tubular and the whole morality struggle and bout of angst did NOT do them good At All. 
still awkwardly struggles with knowing they are not human anymore like ouchie. . it’s a real slap to the face most of the time
literally a boomer and that sends me
really a lot to handle. always been an untamed type, speaks in stream of consciousness & beats to their own drum. will kick ass on a dime. 
* regarding pronouns, they don’t mind being called anything and as they are mainly male presenting, he/him is just fine too
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