#if you ask me about hellir’ i start ascending
Can you tell anything about GDOCS, Cheeri?
Oh yeah absolutely!! GDOCS is just my Google Docs. I have a shiiiiitton of wips in there just to float around.
- adaa (my redo of kalevala!) — this is just a basic overview of how adaa will be structured in terms of intrapolitical power, and eventually i’ll add a section on the environment.
- alor cerel alyth, adaa (intro sheet) — the oc gifted to me by beloved and absolutely adored YOU, i’m working on her sign-up here and there as i get a feel out for her personality and style. there’s not a lot on it yet but oh my GOSH i am so excited
- re wen / finn ertay fluff (for kiwigi <3) — a technical oc ship between kiwi’s oc re wen di and my reclaimed canon char finn ertay! it’s suuuuuper soft, about re wen bringing them back to serenno because he’s on the search for a very particular plant; meanwhile finn ertay is inadvertently doing some soul-searching on just how deeply she loves him. they’re gonna confess their feelings and then go back to sleep
- miz dissociation — so i was supposed to be nice to miz. BUT. i couldn’t help but do a little blurb on miz having a bad day that turns a little worse when someone triggers him into what i call a “miz moment” - extreme dissociation and, if seated or otherwise still, catatonia. it’s not As rough though since the trigger wasn’t done by his abuser but instead an unknowing clone who genuinely wanted to help, and still at least got miz a shower and into a bunk somewhere.
- maul redemption blurb — so i have the jedification of maul, right? yeah basically so the blurb is about two jedi, a metalworking tiefling named karai and her mind healer not-partner narama lokimi going through the motions of karai suffering Really Strange illness bouts, which she says is caused by someone calling through the force with extreme anguish. it’s maul, bisected in the bottom of a cooling station on naboo. and karai Needs to go help him, he’s in so much pain she can hardly stand it. (karai will later take him on as her padawan after ten years of narama’s therapy)
- at the cost of the golden prophet — MY MAN HELLIR’-AMDERAK EDI DROVADDAL oh my god i love him. so this is just his overarching story outline where i just put down what kinda stuff happens in his lifetime, which spans a pretty good while. his late founding and induction to the order, meeting two of his crechemates, his aspirations to be a musician crumbling before his eyes because he happens to be a very good delegator and so he ends up as a diplomat eventually, and then he fully trains his first padawan to knighthood, returns to music, and then he’s handed a 25y/o obi-wan in need of (a) therapy and (b) his padawanship completed and YEAH THERE’S EVEN MORE TO IT AND I LOVE HIM SM SM SM SM
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