#if you get great fairy fountain fron loz vibes i love you and you're absolutely right
maryeve-the-bitch · 3 years
The Spring
Fruk week 2021
day 3: power /magic
Words: 1,254
Note: I'm gonna do the nyos twice. Idc I do what I want.
Sitting against a rock, Elizabeth weakly wiped her mouth from the blood after some soldiers attacked her. They thought she would die from her wounds so they let her suffer by herself. They thought right. If she didn’t find a healer willing to aid her or something to give her strength to use her magic again, she would be as good as dead. She was bleeding internally. They probably broke one or two ribs, those bastards. She split some more blood and took a deep breath. If only she had access to water, she could reduce the taste of blood and wash her wounds a bit. She could barely move, let alone stand and walk to find some water.
She also knew that she was far away from any civilization somewhere in the south east of France. She thought she could escape the authorities of her own country as she was wanted for sorcery. The French also found out about her. The English probably told them, those wankers. They were always at war and would destroy each other, but they managed to work together to exterminate the witches. If Elizabeth would find a way to get out of this alive, she promised herself to seek revenge on those soldiers and the kings.
Soon enough, her body weakened and she couldn’t fight the will to stay awake anymore. Her eyelids slowly closed and she fell asleep as fast as the French soldiers took to knock her out.
When she regained consciousness, the first thing Elizabeth noticed was how she felt some strange, but good tingling though her whole body. She could hear a waterfall only a few feet away and part of her body laid in the warm water. It was as though the water eased her pain away the longer she stayed in it. She had no idea how she ended up in this place or if it was a dream. Everything felt so peaceful contrary to moments before she fell asleep. Surely it was a dream or her imagination. Or she was going insane due to her intense pain and was agonizing. She was almost scared to open her eyes and realise that her pain was as a matter of fact worse than before. Perhaps she died in her sleep and this place was the afterlife.
When she took a deep breath, she felt the fresh air going through her nostrils and through her lungs. She felt her hair moving in the water softly and touching her shoulders. Elizabeth just noticed a melodic humming, very soft, she could barely hear it through the water sounds. It was somehow comforting.
She took another deep breath before opening her eyes. She firstly noticed blue lights flowing around like small fairies or fireflies. Then the ceiling of what looked like a cave or grotto of some sort as it was covered in rock and ivy.
"Bonjour Elizabeth." A soft voice called from her left side.
The witch turned her head and saw a brown curly haired lady wearing nothing but her own hair covering her nipples. The lady shined and radiated beauty and Elizabeth thought she was simply stunning. She forgot how pretty women can be and still thought all this was a dream and could wake up at any moment.
"Bonjour." Elizabeth replied. She pushed herself up so she could sit and register all the new information from her senses.
"Are you feeling better?" The nude lady asked in french. She kneeled beside her.
“Who are you? How do you know my name? Am I dead?” Elizabeth asked after she came back to reason.
The lady chuckled.
“So many questions. You are not dead. I am the goddess of this spring called la Fontaine de la guérison.¹” She answered. “I brought you here to heal you from your wounds.”
The witch didn't reply right away and looked around the spring she was sitting in. The water itself seemed to transport energy as some lights seemed to be moving inside.
“Why?” While her questions were answered, Elizabeth became more and more confused with the answers.
“Why did I bring you here?” The goddess asked. When the witch nodded, she caressed Elizabeth’s cheek with the back of her hand. The touch felt both soft and hydrating to the witch and gave her more tingles. “I heard your distress and I wanted to help you. No one visits my spring anymore.” The goddess got closer and whispered near Elizabeth’s face. “I was so lonely.”
The witch visibly blushed. On one hand she was so not used to getting touched like that and had been craving any kind of physical touch that wasn’t violence of any kind. On the other hand, as though she wasn’t used to it, it made her uncomfortable and awkward, not sure how to react.
When the goddess saw her reaction, she stepped back and apologised.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“It’s hard to be comfortable when you’re naked in front of me.” Elizabeth stated.
“Oh? Am I that hideous?” The goddess asked, offended and a little bit upset.
“No! No! On the contrary...you are gorgeous… very beautiful indeed. I’m ..not used to it.”
“I don’t understand. Used to what?”
“Seeing the most perfect woman I've ever seen naked and touching me.”
“Oh well I don’t wear clothes like humans, but I can hide in the water.” As the goddess said that, she dove into the spring and disappeared completely.
“Is that better?” The voice of the goddess asked.
“Not really.”
The goddess revealed herself from the waterfall and sighed.
“I don’t understand humans.”
“I can keep you company for a while. I doubt the king will find me here so I’m safe and you seem nice. I’ve never met a goddess before.”
“Oh well. I’m only a small one, but I do appreciate your company. You can stay as long as you want.”
“Do you have a name or is the goddess of the spring your only name?”
“Ah.” The goddess laughed. “No one ever asked me my name before. I don’t know if I remember. But I’d like to be called Marianne.”
“Marianne it is. It’s very beautiful.” Elizabeth smiled softly.
Marianne smiled back happily.
"I believe you'd be fully healed by now."
"Yes. I do feel better now. Thanks to you."
"What is next for you after visiting me?"
"I don't know. I simply try to survive." Elizabeth answered. "Do you know any place that doesn't prosecute witches?"
"Well any sacred place like here. Not all the gods or goddesses are nice though. But we like witches. They are the ones who still believe in us. Other humans have lost faith." Marianne's smile turned upside down.
"I'm sorry" was all Elizabeth had found to say.
"I fear one day no one will believe in us and we either will disappear or be lonely until the end of time. I am not sure which is worse." The goddess continued.
As Elizabeth listened to Marianne reveal her feelings, she found herself feeling connected to the goddess in a way. Both had lived a miserable life. The goddess' one was to give but never receive anything in return. Whereas Elizabeth's was to run away and never trust anyone and fight for herself. She wanted to stay here forever. She never thought about it before because she never had anyone that she spent more than one night with, but for once, she felt she had someone she could trust in.
¹ la Fontaine de la guérison : The healing fountain
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