#if youre wondering about my favorite fkmt manga its ukai zero and def part 2 even if its a bit half baked
tsukimishin · 10 months
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august's noin pic! a spiritual successor to the kaiji parody i did some time ago. wouldn't noin vs washizu go crazy?!! its old man vs old man! and noin needs the money!!! until haruhara tells us what is going on i am going to keep putting him in situations. (lying, i will do it no matter what)
been really into playing mahjong lately, maybe i'll continue reading ten (after 3?! years) or rewatch akagi. i didn't tag the last pic with fkmt, but a really nice fkmt fan somehow hunted it down and reblogged it with funny tags so i'm dropping this in hoping people enjoy it (for some reason)
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