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Dear 25, If I’m being quite honest, you were the worst, best thing to happen. One bad thing after the other and I won’t bore you with the details because, if you know, you know. On the other hand, 25 showed me who really matters. The negative moments brought love in the aftermath in ways I never thought possible. It made me strive to see the positives in ways I never did before. I became a world traveler. I got a new car. I watched my best friend marry the love of her life. I gained a sense of independence I’ve never known. I obtained so many new, wonderful, beautiful, kind souls as friends. Countless new experiences, heartfelt moments, and cherished memories. So year 25, you may have tried me, but my universe had other plans. Dear 26, Bring it. On another note: Special thank you to everyone who went out of their way to make my second 25th birthday so special. I have never felt so loved and cherished. I love you all immensely!💕 #SwipeForASurprise #ThisPostIsSoLateImSorry #LoveMyTribe #25DidNotThrive #26IsTheNew25 #TellYourFriends #pointlesshashtag #IHaveHealthInsuranceDontWorry https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-75sQl7Yu/?igshid=dszsief7mgkf
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