ilivconstructions · 4 years
Don't Focus on just the Design
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It is often assumed that the first phase of a construction project focuses solely on the design. But this couldn't be further from the truth 💥. A successful design outcome can only be achieved when the final outcome of your design = your budget. For this reason alone, it is essential to engage a builder right from the start. A reputable builder is key to achieving the best outcome for your project, and we've got the reasons for why. To learn more, email us at [email protected].
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
How much is your Design REALLY going to Cost?
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Do you know how much your design is going to cost you? Having a beautiful design or layout is great, but it's no good if it isn't aligned with your budget. Without a builder on team from the beginning, it's common to face issues where your project requires extra time and additional modifications in order to meet your budget expectations. The best way to avoid this is by engaging your builder early in the process. Not only will you be able to manage expectations better, but you'll save yourself from avoidable stress, worry and disappointment. To learn more, email us at [email protected].
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
The Importance of having your Builder early in the Process
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Why is it essential to have a builder early on in the process? Here's why ⬇️. When you work with both a builder and a designer together, the synchronicity is comparable to the likes of an orchestra and conductor. A builder will have access to a stock of reputable experts they have establishes relationships with over time. From there they will create a shortlist of architects, engineers and surveyors that match well with your project, ensuring its success.
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Make your Home more Sustainable! Take advantage of our Exclusive Offering
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It's not just sustainable construction practices that we provide ☝️! We put great value in the homes and developments we create – a part of that means giving our clients the opportunity to maximise the functionality and efficiency of their home. For a limited time, we are proud to offer complementary, fully installed 6.6kW solar systems as part of our custom home offerings. These systems are valued at approximately $5500 AUD and have the ability to cut your energy costs significantly. For full terms and conditions, get in touch with our team. To learn more, call us on (07) 5502 0088.
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Discover Our Exclusive Offering
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Want to enhance the efficiency and functionality of your home? Read on and learn about our exclusive offering 💥 ⬇️. Solar gives you the opportunity to harness more cost-efficient and sustainable solutions when it comes to powering your home. With no payback period, you have the potential to slash your energy bills by up to 90% the moment you move into your home. Our team at iLiv is proud to offer COMPLEMENTARY 6.6kW solar energy systems to clients who invest in a new custom build with us. Using quality parts, expertly installed, and fully managed by our construction team, your free solar installation carries the highest industry standard guarantees all backed by our knowledge and support. Get in touch with our team to learn more, call us on (07) 5502 0088.
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Why You Ought to Get your Builder onboard, ASAP
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While your designer might be incredibly talented in achieving the perfect layout for your home, they may be lacking in knowledge regarding the regulations and latest amendments that your council may have in new building developments. If you're trying to understand why it's essential to get your builder involved in your project as early as possible, ⬆️ this would be a good reason why. The back and forth of the approvals/changes process can blow out by months and months, costing finance that could be funnelled into your new build. When you have a synergistic team led by an expert builder, you will be able to turn around full design and approval in a much shorter time frame. For more tips, email us at [email protected].
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Why You Shouldn't Underestimate your Builder
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Never underestimate the skills that a builder can bring, even in the initial stages of your project ☝️. Builders with extensive experience have the intuitive and instinctive ability to look at a block and know whether your vision is achievable with your budget. In order to achieve the best outcome possible, we recommend providing as many insights into your vision as early as possible. By doing this, you can be confident knowing that you'll receive the outcome you're looking to achieve. To learn more about why you ought to get your builder involved EARLY in your project, email us at [email protected].
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
The Real Cost in Building
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Here's the truth 💥 – understanding the approximate cost of building your home is COMPLETELY different from actually knowing how much it will cost. Custom homes are tailored to possess your unique identity and vision, and the true cost of making this happen can only come from your builder, who understands the logistics and processes involved in making it happen. While it's common to instil the help of an architect or designer in the initial stages of your build, don't forget that the insights of your builder will ultimately give you clarity on how realistic it is to bring your project to life with the budget you have. To learn more, email us at [email protected].
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Don't be Caught in this Building Mishap
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Imagine this 💭... You've entrusted your vision of a dream home to an incredibly talented designer. They've crafted beautiful images and a stunning blueprint of your home, which you've signed off and approved. You take it to a reputable builder and then... It's clear that the budget, codes and logistics of your plans require extensive modifications to make it happen. Not only does this affect your initial budget, but it also means you'll have to funnel money (additional to your initial budget) into this, now extended, planning stage, taking essential resources away from the build itself. Don't be caught in this predicament 💥. By getting your builder involved EARLY, you can realise your vision of a dream home while being mindful of your budget. To learn more, email us at [email protected].
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Make the Process Easier!
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Whether you're building a custom home or you're in charge of creating a small/mid-scale development, you'll be quick to realise that it can be an entire production when you keep your designer and builder separate from the process. But the beauty of having them work alongside each other is that you can streamline the entire building process to one point of contact. Your builder will ultimately have more insights in understanding the costs involved in achieving your project, and they will be uniquely connected to it in such a way that they're managing every component of the build. This means less stress and less worry on your end. For more tips, email us at [email protected].
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Wait! Before you take the Plunge
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Ready to take the plunge and build your dream home? Before you lean towards hiring out an architect or designer to create your blueprint, we recommend including your builder in the process as well! Engaging with a builder early in the game can lead to a better clarity of costs, reduced time delays and smoother approval processes – in short, it makes the entire process smooth and stress-free! To learn more, email us at [email protected].
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Receive a 6.6kW Solar Power System
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Want a custom built home AND a solar power system 🤩? This is our commitment to providing more sustainable practices in our business 🌱. For a limited time, new custom building projects will also receive a comprehensive 6.6 kW solar power system, all included in the build. Using quality parts, expertly installed and fully managed by our team, your new solar installation carries the highest standard guarantees. Some terms and conditions apply. To learn more about this offer, call us on (07) 5502 0088.
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Read this Before starting on the Building Process
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Dreaming of owning your dream home? Make sure to read this before you start ANY building process ⬇️ It's natural to want to hire a designer or architect at the beginning stages of your project. But it's essential not to forget your builder! Your builder is the only member of your team fully invested in signing off on the end result and is your key asset to the best possible outcome. To learn more, email us at [email protected].
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Our Commitment to Provide Green Solutions
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As GreenSmart Professions, we're all about finding ways to create sustainable homes 🌱... That is why we're incorporating THIS into our custom builds 💥. For a limited time, we're providing custom builds with a fully installed 6.6 kW solar system (valued at $5500). This is our commitment to ensuring every home that we build can be green and eco-consious, from its design to its technology. Terms and Conditions Apply. To learn more about this offer, call us on (07) 5502 0088.
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Check out our Latest Offer
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Solar power + Custom home = A deal you can't refuse 💥! For a limited time we're including 6.6kW solar systems in our new custom builds. Enjoy the new spaces of your dream home while experiencing the fantastic savings and benefits that come with using this sustainable and eco-friendly power system. All solar systems include quality parts and are expertly installed and managed by our construction team. Terms and Conditions Apply. To learn more about this irresistible offer, call us on (07) 5502 0088.
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ilivconstructions · 4 years
Experience Incredible Savings with our Added-Value Offer
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Custom new home? Check ✔️. Brand new solar power system? Check ✔️. That's right – when you build with our team, you can get BOTH ✌️. For a limited time, we are including 6.6kW solar power systems with our new custom build projects (that is a $5500 value, given to you for free). Enjoy the freedom of living off the grid, while experiencing incredible savings on your electricity bill. Some conditions and restrictions. To learn more, call us on (07) 5502 0088.
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